13 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

10 New Surprising Facts About Love and Sex

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Whether you’re single, dating, or hitched, it’s normal to be curious about everyone else’s love lives. Are you having enough sex? Is your communication off? Are you being too picky? Luckily, Match.com released the latest findings from the third annual Singles In America study, and the results are fascinating! They surveyed over 5,000 singles and 1,000 married people on everything from orgasms to dating deal breakers. Check it out to see how your love life stacks up:

Women Snoop…A Lot
If you already know your date’s education and work history before you get to the restaurant, you’re not alone. 48% of single women look someone up on Facebook before a first date. Hey, you have to make sure you’re not getting Catfish-ed, right?
RELATED: Manage Your Online Reputation

Sex Doesn’t End After Marriage
Worried about your sex life plummeting after you tie the knot? Don’t worry, 41% of married couples had sex at least once a week last year. And better yet: Married women think about sex even more often than single women.
RELATED: Boring Sex, Begone!

Money Troubles Ruin Your Mojo
A bad credit score can screw up more than just your financial future—it can mess with your love life. 65% of singles wouldn’t date someone who was over $ 5,000 in debt. Hopefully, that’s not something you’d reveal on a first date, anyway.
RELATED: How to Avoid Credit Card Debt

Singles Are Better Communicators
Communication is clutch for good sex, but singles may have the upper hand on this one. Married men and women are less likely to bring up intimacy concerns than their single counterparts.
RELATED: Navigating Orgasm Obstacles

Most People Want to Get Married
Even though singlehood seems to be getting longer and longer, most people still believe in getting hitched someday. In fact, 9 out of 10 singles are optimistic about marriage. Consider the myth of bitter singles officially debunked!
RELATED: Make Your Marriage Stick

Hookups Are Hot Right Now
Having a no-strings-attached hookup isn’t so scandalous anymore:  47% of singles have been involved in a friends-with-benefits relationship. And only 37% of single women wait until they’re in an exclusive relationship before sleeping with a new partner.
RELATED: Why Isn’t Random Hooking Up Scary Anymore?

Your FWB May be BF Material
Just because casual sex is on the rise, that doesn’t mean serious bonds are going extinct. 44% of singles have had a friends-with-benefits fling turn into a long-term relationship. When he fits the bill and you have great chemistry, go for it.
RELATED: Couples vs. Friends with Benefits: Who Has More Sex?

Orgasms Aren’t Everything
Even though single women climax less often than single men, they may be enjoying it more. 49% of single women say they’re satisfied with their sex lives, compared to just 44% of single men.
RELATED: Have Better Orgasms

He Actually Wants to Meet the Parents
Taking a new guy to meet your mom and dad isn’t necessarily a deal breaker. 48% of men want to meet a woman’s parents before they become exclusive. He might just want to make sure you don’t have a shotgun-wielding, overprotective dad, but it still sounds sweet.
RELATED: How to Survive Your In-Laws

Your Sexts Are Never Really Safe
Think you can send off a risqué photo to your guy that’s for his eyes only? Unfortunately, 23% of singles who received a sext have shared it with others. So maybe rethink that naughty photo shoot until you’re totally exclusive.
RELATED: Talk Nerdy To Me: Tech for Hotter Sex

photo: Stockbyte/Thinkstock

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