25 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

11 Surprising Reasons To Sprinkle Salt On Your Food

By admin

While on vacation at Amelia Island’s Ritz Carlton this past weekend, I walked into to a foodie’s dream store:

A shop devoted to sea salts.

More specifically… SALT. Original, right?

ritz carlton salt store

The Ritz has created a name for itself from it’s Salt store and from the 5-diamond dining restaurant it houses under the same name.

38 different salts to choose from?

I know that salt is like carbs… 

Everyone puts blame on it for just about everything. From weight issues to blood pressure problems.

Heck, I’ve even written on salt before and how it contributes to bloating

However, like carbs, there are the good salts and there are the salts that should be left untouched.

ritz carlton salt

The Bad Salt

The salt you see on most tables around the country, is the one that should be banished. It’s been bleached and zapped of all it’s nutritional benefits. table salt

All that’s left is a cheap imitation of what salt is suppose to be.

–> It’s like using imitation vanilla over real vanilla (holy moly, have you ever used a real vanilla bean? It’s amazing).

–> It’s like freezing a regular yogurt instead of going to get fro-yo.

–> It’s like drinking bud light instead of a full flavored craft beer.

–> It’s like… You get the point.

Once you’ve had sea salt, you won’t go back.

Not only is the flavor much richer, the nutrient content is high as well.

Did you know that the reason sea salts have color is due to their mineral content?

I first started using Himalayan salt about 3 years ago (it’s pink), and then just recently I learned about black salt from these twins.

I had no idea all the different variations of salt that are available, but when I stepped into Salt at the hotel, I was in heaven.

I sampled a little bit of everything before deciding on bringing home. I’ll share what I chose down below.

So enough food talk…

benefits of sea salt

11 Reasons To Use Sea Salt On Your Food

1. Sea salt has been used for centuries to help aid congestion problems. More specifically to help dry the bronchial tubes and rid the sinuses of microbes and bacteria! It also helps eliminate mucus build up.

2. Himalayan salt contains over 84 minerals and trace elements. A great way to make sure you’re getting your daily dose.

3. Help prevent muscle cramps. Often caused by an electrolyte imbalance, taking in salt can help keep them in proper proportion helping the muscles to stay relaxed.

4. Black Salt (also known as kala namak) is rich in iron and other trace minerals. I had no idea of this when I got it, but now that I am upping my iron, I’m even more excited to have it in my kitchen.

5. Sea salt contains magnesium and potassium which are known to help keep the immune system running strong.


6. Black Salt has been used to cure flatulence and heartburn. Interesting. Remember, best salt options for beans.

7. Improves nerve function. Salt is crucial to the body’s nervous system. Sea salt helps to extract excess acidity and toxins from brain cells.

8. Boost energy. When you sweat, you loose electrolytes. Salt is a very important electrolyte to the body and when lost feelings of fatigue can set in quickly. This is why endurance athletes make sure to consume salt rocks or other sodium filled foods during events. It keeps their muscles, mind, and body going full speed ahead.

9. Contains less sodium overall. I know this comes as a shocker because the granules are so large, however because sea salt contains more than just sodium and chloride (table salt), the overall sodium concentration is lower.

10. Because of it’s rich flavors, you’re able to use less salt to flavor your meals than if using table salt. Helping to keep overall sodium intake.

11. It’s all natural! There are no additives, preservatives, or chemicals… sea salt is unrefined. You can rest assured that you’re not taking in bleach or other chemical which are used to strip the nutrients away from table salt.

My Salts

Here are the salts I picked out, with descriptions from Salt.

Hiwa Kai

“Has a stunning black color and silky texture. Solar evaporated Pacific Sea salt is combined with activated charcoal; this compliments the natural saline flavor and adds numerous detoxifying benefits.”

Thai Ginger Salt

“Combines the clean, simple flavor of sea salt with fresh, juicy ginger. This award-winning variety cannot be matched by powdered or synthetic flavorings. Use on grilled veggies, Asian noodles or fish.”

Ghost Pepper Salt

“This is the hottest salt in the world! Sea salt and Naga Jolokia peppers blend to create a blazing hot spice that is out of this world. For flaming flavor, sprinkle of chicken wings, chili, or fajitas. Beware – this salt bites back.”

Lavender Himalayan

-There was no description on the menu as this is a seasonal “special”. But it’s salt infused with lavender. It smells simply amazing!

Each is rich not only with the all natural infused flavors but with unique flavors associated with that specific type of salt.

I haven’t tried all of them yet but I am loving the ghost pepper salt. I used it the other night for burritos and it added just enough flavor without being over powering of having to down a glass of ice water.

The lavender salt I purchased as a gift, so hopefully I’ll keep my curious paws off of it!

Q: Have you ever tried flavored salts? 

*This is not a sponsored post. I purchased all the salts above and was excited to share my findings with you.


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