04 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

1776 {Rep} Workout

By admin

Happy 4th Of July!

I hope you have an amazing weekend filled with sunshine, family, friends, and watermelon!

Sitting in front of your computer is the last thing I want you to do this long weekend, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

Yes, I know I’m not known for being short and sweet… but here it goes!

I really just want to share a workout with you, in case you find yourself craving some extra movement (or the need to burn off a few beers and hotdogs).

Of course it’s inspired by the holiday, which makes it that much more tempting to do, right?

Nothing like doing a workout with 1776 reps!

The 1776 {Rep} Workout

That’s right… 1,776 reps once everything is said and done. Have fun with it and let me know if you complete the whole thing, or even part of it!


Not sure of the moves? Here are examples of those you may question!

Quick Exercise Overview

Prisoner Squats

Sumo Squats

Star Crunches

Mt Climbers


This is technically a divebomber burpee… just ignore the jumping up from the end! :)

Lunge Jumps


Happy 4th Of July to all my USA friends!

What’s your favorite thing to do for the 4th of July? Do you have any traditions?

To be honest, I am excited for a relaxing weekend and don’t have any plans!

Whip Six Feed

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