14 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

3 Reasons to Give Blood

By admin

Man of Steel is out today, and OK: Superman is pretty impressive. But there’s an easy way for you to also be a superhero: by donating blood. Today is the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day, a global public health campaign created to thank blood donors and raise awareness about the importance of giving blood.

Every two seconds a new person in the U.S. needs blood, according to the American Red Cross. Some of the most common reasons: surgery, trauma, cancer, anemia, and bleeding disorders, says Patricia Shi, MD, a hematologist at Montefiore Medical Center. And now is an especially good time to donate—while there’s always a need, blood collection organizations often have shortages in the summertime (as well as over the holidays), because regular donors are away, says Shi.

Becoming a blood donor is simple—and a transfusion can mean the difference between life and death for the recipient.

In honor of World Blood Donor Day, Women’s Health asked readers who’ve received blood transfusions to share their stories—in case you need more inspiration to sign up for an upcoming blood drive:

“When I was 27 years old, I was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I underwent five months of intense chemotherapy, which made me feel incredibly lethargic and, since it lowered my platelet count, had side effects like uncontrolled gum bleeding (platelets are key for healthy clotting). Because my treatment was so tough on my body, I ended up having three separate blood transfusions throughout the five months I was in chemo. I can’t tell you how much better I would feel after a transfusion. Not only would my blood finally start clotting normally again—so something as simple as bleeding gums was no longer a major issue—but all my color would come back right away and suddenly I wasn’t exhausted anymore. I’m happy to say that I have been in remission for two and a half years and haven’t needed a transfusion since then!”
‑Alyson Achorn, Worcester, MA

“In 2009, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, or a low platelet count, during a routine complete blood count. While I was giving birth two months later, I had a really minor tear—nothing that would usually be a problem. But since platelets are necessary for clotting, I just kept bleeding and bleeding. My medical team spent an hour stabilizing me—I think they went through eight packets of sutures. The worst part was that since they were trying to control the bleeding, I wasn’t able to hold my baby until five hours after she was born. I didn’t even realize how crappy I felt until the next morning, when I had to have two units of blood transfused to replace what I’d lost—all of a sudden I felt so much better and had so much more energy.”
‑Sabrina Condon, Spokane, WA

“I got my first period two days before my 13th birthday—and it just wouldn’t stop. As the weeks went by, it got progressively heavier, and I got weaker. I thought this was normal, though, so I didn’t mention it to my parents. Then, after 11 weeks of this period, I woke up one day with unbearable cramps, too weak to stand up. My mom was frantic. At the hospital, she was told I had severe anemia. I received multiple blood transfusions and was surprisingly well enough to go home that same night—it was amazing how it transformed me from this pale, sick girl to healthy and lively in just hours! I received a prescription for birth control pills to keep my period regular from then on. Since I had no idea how to contact the donor, I’ve paid it forward by donating my own blood. Hopefully I’ve saved lives, as well.”
—Ingrid Ramirez, Milwaukee, WI

Want to learn more about becoming a blood donor? Visit RedCrossBlood.org for eligibility requirements and to find a blood drive near you.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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