25 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

3 Simple Ways to Fix Your Posture

By admin

Been singing the blues lately? You might want to straighten up—your posture, that is. Turns out, fixing your posture can actually make you feel like a million bucks. A new study from San Francisco State University found that slouching and slumping can put a damper on your mood and drain your energy levels.

Researchers asked 110 university students to rate their energy and depression levels. Then they divided the students into two groups: One group went into the hallway and walked in a slouched position, while the other group skipped down the hallway. Both groups then rated their energy levels once again. Next, the group that skipped the first time was asked to walk in a slouched position, and vice versa. After two or three minutes, both groups again rated their energy levels.

All participants reported that skipping, which involves standing tall and looking up, made them feel happier and more energized. And that’s not all. Participants in the study with the highest levels of depression not only started off with lower energy (based on their self-rating), but also reported significantly lower energy levels after the slouched walking than those that weren’t depressed.

“Putting yourself in a ‘collapsed’ body position will evoke in you a depressed feeling—this is especially true with people who have a history of depression,” says Erik Peper, PhD, study author and Professor of Holistic Health at San Francisco State University. “Every thought has a corresponding body activity,” he says. “And every change in your body will change your thoughts and feelings.”

When you slump or “collapse,” you’re more likely to experience negative feelings. And when you feel bad, you want to make yourself look small, says Peper. On the other hand, when you move in a positive way, like skipping, you experience a boost in energy levels and positive emotions, according to the study.

It makes sense, then, that people with better posture are perceived as stronger, more vital, and self confident, according to Janice Novak, author of Posture, Get It Straight! Look Ten Years Younger, Ten Pounds Thinner, and Feel Better Than Ever and director of ImproveYourPosture.com.

“We give tons of information to the world around us just by how we carry ourselves,” she says. So while people who strive to straighten up are viewed in a positive light, those that hunch over are seen as insecure, weak, and depressed.

Here, 3 tips on how to go from sad sloucher to powerful (and happy) person.

Reposition Your Computer Monitor
“We’re a nation of professional sitters,” says Novak. When plopped in front of a computer screen, you spend a good amount of time craning your neck forward into what Novak calls a “vulture position.” An easy fix: Make sure that both your monitor and keyboard are at the right level. You want your eyes to be level with the middle of your screen so that you don’t drop your head to look below, says Novak. And to figure out where your keyboard should be, try this: While seated, extend your arms by your sides. Then, lift your forearms so that they form a 90-degree angle. Where your fingertips are in this position is where your keyboard should be to lessen the strain on your upper back and neck, she says.

Perform the Ribbon Test
While sitting at your desk and without leaning back, lift your ribcage up about one or two inches from your hipbone, recommends Novak. Doing so repositions your ribcage to where it needs to be, she says. Then grab a ribbon and two safety pins. Lift your ribcage up a few inches and pin the top of the piece of ribbon to your shirt (about chest-level). Pull the ribbon taut and pin the bottom to the bottom of your shirt. When you see slack, know that you’re slumping and reposition yourself once again.

Build a Buffer Back
Weak back muscles may be to blame for some amount of shoulder slumping, says Novak. By strengthening your midback, you take the pressure off your neck muscles. One easy exercise to try: “Shift your ribcage up an inch or two, pull your shoulder blades back toward your spine, and press them together and down slightly toward your waistline for about 10 seconds,” she says. Perform this exercise three to five times a day.

photo: Ryan McVay/Digital Vision/Thinkstock

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