20 December 2013 ~ 0 Comments

3000 Squats Done, Now What? Gift Reveal!!!

By admin

I’ve done 3000 squats!

30 days ago Dan asked me if I would join him for a squat challenge. We would do 100 squats every day for the next 30 days.

It started out so great that I invited you all to join in with me, so now you’re just 4 days to completing your 3000 squats too! Yes, convenient that it ends on Christmas Eve, right?

Close to 200 awesome ladies registered for the squat challenge and I can’t wait to reveal below what one lucky winner will receive.

Before I share the goodies with you, I want to know how it’s been going? How have you been accomplishing your squats?

Many of you have been leaving me daily Facebook messages checking in (which I love!) and some have been updating me through email. But I understand that for some of you that just isn’t possible to do on a regular basis, but I hope you’ve continued squatting away!

How I Did My Squats

I changed them up on an almost daily basis. Some days were a mix of body weight squats and squat jumps; some days that included all kettlebell squats (these were killer), some days I used a barbell, and the past few days I’ve been doing squat to presses to really worked my ENTIRE body. I woke up so sore yesterday!

I’ve loved every minute. And yes, there were some days when I forgot all about them until I was climbing in to bed. Dan would laugh at me while I pumped them all out bedside.

What about my foot? I had to skip out of doing squats the day of my half marathon. I was just in far too much pain. But that was the only day that was interfered with and I have since made up for those unfinished squats.

Can I See/Feel Results? 

Yes! My legs are feeling stronger, my core tighter and my butt lifted. I’ve used this challenge to experiment with my form a lot.

I’ve learned that I am REALLY tight in my lower back and my achilles making certain types of squats quite challenging for me. The closer my feet come together, the harder it is to get down.

That knowledge is valuable in my training to improve.

Overall, I’m so glad I stuck this challenge out, and even more glad that I had so many of you keeping me motivated!

The Gifts

There will be one more post about this squat challenge and hints at what our next challenge will be the Friday after Christmas. I don’t expect you to pop in here on Christmas day to leave a comment, that’s your family time.

So, on Friday come back and leave a comment letting me know that YOU COMPLETED the challenge. This is based on honesty, please if you didn’t do the challenge don’t say that you did, that takes away the chance for someone who stuck through to win this great prize package.

Deal? Deal.

Okay, so here are a few of my favorite things… 

  • 3 Jars Peanut Butter Co. Peanut Butter


3 jars! This stuff is addicting, we went through all 3 jars in 2 weeks. I wish I was joking. I don’t buy it often because it’s sooooo good and I have no self control. I love Peanut Butter Co. because while they’re butters are all natural, their prices are awesome in comparison to other brand names.

My favorite? The White Chocolate Wonderland. Dan’s favorite? Dark Chocolate Dreams.

Oh, and they are certified vegan and gluten-free!

  • Pro-Compression Socks


Pro-Compression is my go-to running and recovery sock. You’ve probably seen me sporting a pair in pictures and workouts before. I love them!

I’m excited that they have agreed to give one of you a free pair! Which is awesome because one pair is normally $ 50! Oh, and using the code BLG13, all LiftingRevolution readers can receive 40% off.

These make awesome stocking stuffers, by the way!

  • Wiley’s Finest Omega 3 Fish Oil

Remember a few weeks ago when I talked about my new love of this supplement? For anyone that takes fish oil, or thinking to take it, Wiley’s Finest is super high quality.

Read here to check out my recent review and why I’m taking it.

Wylie’s has sent me a bottle for one of you!

*This is a supplement, consult your doctor prior to use. 

  • Vega One Starter Box


Vega One is an awesome nutritional shake mix. It’s high in vitamins, minerals, and it’s vegan. Vega is a plant based athletic brand that I highly respect!

The flavors in the box include: Vanilla, Chocolate, and Berry. All of which are great. I used the chocolate the other day and mixed it with just enough milk to make it pudding-like. OMG, so good!

I’ve been relying a lot on vegan protein powders lately as I am working to increase my daily calories, so I find it easy to fit in an extra shake.

And yes, one of you will receive a box! Whoo hoo!

  • Kobaya Almonds


Kobaya is a new to me company.

I received a few of their products in the mail for us to try a few weeks ago and loved them. We tried the Wasabi flavor and the Salted. Dan wasn’t a big fan of either (he likes wasabi but not wasabi flavored foods), but I really enjoyed them.

I thought the flavoring was just enough, and I ate them by the handful and loved sprinkling them on salads. I’m embarrassed to say they were gone in just a few days even though I was the only one eating the almonds!

Yup, you got it… one of you will receive a bag and you can let me know if you agree with me or Dan.

So there you have it, there might be a surprise bonus prize tossed in there too but you’ll just have to wait and see what Santa leaves under the blog tree ;)

Have you tried any of these? What would you want the most? 


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