18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

4 Steps to a Successful Beach Workout

By admin

Sure, you hit the beach to relax. But you don’t have to spend the entire trip in a lounge chair: In fact, you can burn more calories in less time if you exercise on sand, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Strength Conditioning and Resistance.

Researchers found that your heart beats about 1.1 times faster when you work out on the sand—yet it doesn’t cause any more muscle damage or inflammation than easier workouts performed on grass. It makes sense: On sand, your feet sink into the surface instead of propelling off it. So your whole body works harder to accomplish the same movements you’d breeze through on solid ground. Sand is also easier on your bones and muscles since it absorbs about two-thirds of the impact, says study author Martyn Binnie, a PhD student at the Western Australian Institute of Sport in Australia.

Translation: You burn almost twice as many calories as you’d torch by doing the same workout at a gym—and you don’t suffer any more for it the next day, he says.

Ready to take your sweat sessions to the beach? Most workouts translate well to the sand, says Binnie—especially those that incorporate jumping (sand makes a good cushion!). Check out these tips from Chris Clark, certified beach boot camp trainer and co-founder of Tiger Athletics, a fitness studio based in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Lace up
As tempted as you might be to put your toes in the sand, you need sturdy running shoes to ease foot fatigue and protect your soles from anything sharp that may be on the ground. This isn’t the place for a minimalist sneaker.

Prevent sand-burn
Sand in your socks and sneakers may be unavoidable, but it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. Clark smears petroleum jelly directly onto his feet and—get this—over his socks to prevent the friction that causes blisters. It won’t ruin your sneakers—it actually protects the soles from wear and tear, he says.

Shield your skin
Apply water-resistant sunscreen right before your workout to protect against sun damage. Then reapply it afterward since you may have sweated a lot of it off (and it’s a good idea to lather up every 40 to 80 minutes, anyway).

Soothe muscles with a post-workout dip
Cold water soothes your muscles and boosts recovery—an added advantage of training at the beach, says Binnie. Stretch, then jump into the water after your workout for maximum benefits.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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