08 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

5 Body Weight ‘Boot Camp’ Exercises You’ve NEVER Seen

By admin

All good things must come to an end, right? The long weekend is over and with it comes the mile high to-do list.

Hopefully it’s not really a mile high and you are able to get caught up in no time.

The satisfaction that comes with marking off my to-do list is seriously kind of weird. I have a mini-party in my head each time a big ———- goes over something.

And trust me, you want to get through it fast so that you have time to give these  killer exercises a try.

The exercises I am about to share with you are top secret.

That’s right, they’re moves we do in my boot camp but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else do them before (at least not at our gym). So don’t go sharing all my special moves with everyone.

Just kidding… share away! These shouldn’t be locked away.

5 Body Weight ‘Boot Camp’ Exercises You’ve Never Ever Seen Before

What The Heck Just Happened? 

Pretty cool, right?

Here they are again for your own viewing pleasure:

Hollow Rocks: 

  1. Make sure that you’re on a soft mat as your hips can get bruised doing these on the floor
  2. Make sure to keep your core tight, and back flat.
  3. Your hands can either point towards your toes or straight by your ears.

Ab Rollovers:

  1. From Superwoman to hollow, this move is awesome for the entire core.
  2. Remember, your core isn’t just your abs, it is the entire trunk. A move like this is to make sure you’re not isolating any part of it.
  3. Try to keep your feet off the ground from start to finish.
  4. Make sure to pause on the superwoman and on the hollow. Otherwise, you end up just log rolling across the floor.

Wounded Soldiers (OMG –> Killer):

Perhaps one of my favorite balance exercises.

Think of it as if you’ve twisted your ankle and you’re hopping back home on one foot. That’s the idea.

  1. Keep a slight bend in the knee and really aim to bend deep between each hop.
  2. Use your hands for balance. It’s okay to touch the ground.

Plank Cyclones (As fun as they sound):

Like the rollovers, this is a complete core workout. It will also work the arms and even your tush.

  1. Hold each position for a count of 3-5 seconds before rotating.
  2. Start in a standard plank, then rotate to a side plank. Continue into a reverse plank… then to the other side plank and finish back where you started: a standard.
  3. And go again, this time rotating in the opposite direction for extra balance practice.

Thruster Box Jumps:

  1. Grab a bench, chair or box and get thrusting.
  2. You’ll jump in a “square” like pattern with 4-corners mapped out. 2 on the floor and 2 on top of the bench.
  3. Then with hands on the ground, jump your feet so they land on each of the 4 corners.
  4. Change it up by alternating the direction in which you jump.

Talk about a shoulder, ab and leg burner. Oh yes.

Have you ever done of any of these exercises before? 

What is your favorite body weight move?

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