30 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

5 Ways To Instantly Add Sunshine To A Not So Shiny Day

By admin

Since starting Lifting Revolution I seriously don’t think I have ever experienced true writer’s block. Sure sometimes it might take longer to come up with exactly what I want to write about, but for the most part, it comes easily.

That all changed today. I have had the worst case of writers block. So bad in fact that I am now on my 4th post in 2 hours. I’ve written 3 posts, just to look at them and delete them. I wasn’t happy. I just wasn’t feeling it.

But the good news is that after 2 hours of frustration and mental blocks I have finally been inspired!

I think part of the problem is that the weather outside my kitchen table office is crazy ugly. I am talking dark skies, thunder booming in the distance and just waiting for the down pour to begin. It’s a recipe for laziness and mental blocks and poopy moods.

dreary skies

I promise, it’s really dark out. This picture makes it look a bit more cheerful than it really is.

Please don’t tell me I am the only one that goes brain dead on days like today?

And because of my brain farts, I have now found myself in a gross mood and in need of a mental pick me up! So here’s what I am going to do and if you find yourself having a day like mine then feel free to join in!

5 Ways To Instantly Brighten Up A Gray Day

1. Blast your favorite music: For a girl in her late 20s, I listen to some untraditional music. Growing up, my grandfather and I listened to Vince Gill together on the way home from school (he picked me up every day). So now whenever I need a happy song, I turn to Vince Gill’s “Feels Like Love”. Dan used to play it for me when we first started dating, so I can’t help but to instantly brighten up.

Seriously, I am smiling just typing about it! How can you not smile with this tune and these lyrics?

2. Get some blood flowing. When I get agitated, I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise and my face practically has a stick on my forehead that reads “Bitch” across the top. So what’s a girl to do? Walk away from a second and do something else. For me that means pumping out a few push-ups or lunge walks down my hallway. Just 1-2 minutes of activity can help instantly calm me down and make me feel more at peace.

Today’s exercise of choice: 25 push-ups. See, nothing crazing but it worked.

3. Remember when. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and remember a time when you were happy, relaxed and free. I didn’t have to think too long on this one because just yesterday we were at the park doing this:

‘nough said. Again, I am smiling just looking at the picture.

4. Do something else. This one I have to give Dan credit for. I am quite stubborn and would most likely just sit staring at my computer until some poetic post eventually came out. But really what would have most likely have happened is that I would have grown irritated and instead of writing that poetic post, probably would have written no post at all.

But I have a very smart husband who told me to forget about writing for a bit and do something else. So, that’s what I did. And during that time, my patience came back, I listened to my favorite song (above), did some push-ups (above) and made myself excited to come back in front of the computer.

Now I am in the mood to take on the world and accomplish a lot!

5. Get some lovin’. Get your mind out of the gutter. Getting a hug from your spouse, a friend or your pet can have a profound affect on your attitude.

Studies show that having human (or pet) contact instantly lights up parts of our brains that are related to happiness. So when you’re having a thunderstorm kind of day, ask for an extra long hug or if you don’t have someone around that can provide you with that service take 5 minutes to call your best friend just to say hey.

I am lucky to have my bf and spouse (too cheesy) work in the room next door to me, so right when I am done posting I am going to steal a big hug

What Not To Do

When you’re having a rough day, it’s easy to turn to things that bring instant gratification but then regret hits later. Don’t do those things. I am not going to go into detail here because I just don’t want to. Let’s think about the fun things above!!

  • Turning to food
  • Wallowing in self pity
  • Sleep (when you’re not tired)
  • Justifying being in a bad mood to others
  • Sitting on your tush


  • What is your favorite “Happy” song? 
  • What is the one thing that always makes you smile? 

Whip Six Feed

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