13 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

50 Shades Of Grey: How Many Calories Can You Burn This Sexy Valentines Weekend?

By admin

Let’s talk about what’s really on our minds, shall we?


A Saturday Valentines Day (so much better than a week day) + the release of 50 Shades Of Grey = every woman has sex on her mind.

And since every man ALWAYS has sex on the brain, I think that we can all agree, there is going to be a lot of happy couples out and about! Or maybe they won’t but out and about, but still very happy?

Yes, we’re going to see 50 Shades and yes I’m pretty pumped. I didn’t read the book but what I already respect about it is that it makes sex okay to talk about. It’s something we all crave, and it really shouldn’t be such a taboo subject. Tell me you agree?

I feel as if we’ve been raised to think that sex is bad, even when you’re married, it’s something not to be discussed.


Well because it’s such a sexy weekend, I am saying bump that… let’s talk two of my favorite subjects:

Sex & Fitness

I posted a couples workout yesterday, sure you can do that. It’s fun, you’ll like it. But there are other ways to get a good workout in! Here are a few sexy fun facts for you.

  • Sex burns up to 300 calories in a single hour! That’s like running a 5K. The only difference? After a tough 5K, you are spent for the day and can’t imagine doing it again, after a good sex session, you’re excited for another, why not make it a 10K kind of day!?
  • Kissing burns up to 68 calories an hour. That means you can eat 3 Hershey Kisses and then burn them off doing the next best thing (because eating chocolate is always the best).
  • Giving a massage can burn over 80 calories an hour. Tell your significant other you want them to be the fittest they can be, and therefore they should give you a 90-minute message to help burn some calories and tone up their arms. You on the other hand have worked out hard and deserve a rest.
  • Oral sex? That’s 100 calories per hour! A man’s fantasy? Yea, not going to happen. Using those hands is the same calorie zapper.
  • And finally, dancing will cost you around 230 calories per hour. If you’ve got skills, go for it. My dancing skills resembles Phoebe’s running and therefore will only have Dan cracking up.

Happy Valentines! I’m off to research what this “Sex Bark” recipe is all about that I heard on the radio.

Did you read 50 Shades?

I didn’t which is why I am excited to see the movie since I have nothing to compare it to. I feel like I can’t be disappointed trying to pair it with the books.

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