13 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

50k Training Log: Week 1

By admin


Tomorrow I have quite the day planned. It’s Peyton’s Wild & Wacky 5K Ultra.

5K, doesn’t sound so bad, right? Yea… except that it’s actually 10 5K’s to make up an ultra 50K. Luckily, Ashton and I are teaming up to complete it together. We’ll be alternating each hour when a new 5K kicks off.


Wish us luck! If you’re in Charleston, it’s not too late to join in on the fun and it’s for a great cause.

Because I’m in training, my amazing coach Amanda has asked I take each one easy. I’ll do my best, ma’am.

Which brings me to today’s topic… how’s training going!? Many of you asked that I give updates, so I decided Fridays are perfect for such talk.

So training… 

So far so good! I have stuck to my training plan and though I’m only 2 weeks in, I’m pretty proud of myself.

Here’s how last week (the first week) looked:

50K Training Week 1 Workout Log


  • Monday 3/2: Kettlebell Workout <— It was so much harder than I expected!
  • Tuesday 3/3: 4 Mile Run (8.20 mile place first 3 miles, 7.50 minute final mile)
  • Wednesday 3/4: 6 Mile Run + The #T&BWorkoutChallenge


  • Thursday: 3/5: Filmed a Fit Womens Weekly workout + Kettlebells
  • Friday 3/6: REST
  • Saturday 3/7: 12 Mile Run (easy)
  • Sunday 3/8: 5 Mile Run (8.16 mile pace) <— I was proud of that after running 12 miles the day before! Felt strong the whole time


Total Miles: 27
Total Strength Workouts: 3

My legs feel great. I’m feeling strong and making sure to fuel my body the best I can.

It wasn’t until Saturday when my hunger pains began to hit and now all I want to do is eat, eat, eat.

I’m doing my best to choose healthy snacks to cure the running cravings but it’s getting harder and harder! My sweet tooth is slowly making its way back into my life.

Running Short Suggestions?

I need your help! The weather has warmed up marvelously around here and now I am sporting shorts.


The only downfall? Chaffing. My previous running shorts were made for my 10-pound less body (the one that didn’t have chaffing thighs).

Any suggestions on running shorts that are comfortable, cute AND long enough to help avoid chaffing issues?

I find that shorts are either too long and baggie or too short and ride up.

I would love your recommendations! I really don’t want to wear capris during the spring and summer when temps are 80-90 degrees.

Favorite running attire?

Whip Six Feed

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