25 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

6 Awesome Benefits of Birth Control

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You already know that birth control offers ridiculously reliable protection against unplanned pregnancies—assuming you’re using it correctly, that is. But BC actually has a lot of other amazing social and lifestyle benefits, too. Researchers at the family planning organization the Guttmacher Institute recently crunched the numbers, finding that women who regularly use contraception tend to have more years of education under their belt and greater economic stability—and they also form romantic partnerships that are more solid when compared to women who aren’t contraception-covered. The best part is, these aren’t the only perks. Check out some of little-known health benefits of birth control, particularly the hormonal kind.

It can cut your odds of some cancers
Women who go on the pill, ring, or other combined estrogen-progestin methods for 15 years slash their lifetime risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancers by approximately 50 percent, according to a 2010 study. The thinking here is that hormonal BC blocks ovulation and evens out natural hormone imbalances, leading to less exposure to potentially damaging hormones, says Christine Proudfit, MD, an assistant professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. One caveat: Some research suggests that taking oral contraceptives may slightly increase your risk of breast and cervical cancer, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor about whether hormonal birth control is right for you if you have a family history of either disease.

It smoothes out your skin
Combination contraception lowers your body’s levels of testosterone, which all women make in small amounts. That spells good news for your skin since the hormone is the culprit behind acne breakouts and excess body hair growth, says Proudfit.

It shields you from an energy-crushing condition
Women who suffer from heavy periods lose excess blood every month, and that can lead to anemia—a condition characterized by fatigue and weakness. Going on hormonal birth control makes periods shorter and lighter, so you lose less blood and aren’t robbed of your stamina, says Proudfit.

It wards off a fertility-threatening infection
Although many people fear that staying on birth control for too long will negatively affect their baby-making abilities, the opposite is actually true. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is a serious infection of the reproductive tract that, if left untreated, can compromise your fertility. The progestin in hormonal birth control makes cervical mucus thicker, says Proudfit, and research suggests that this forms a roadblock that prevents PID-causing microbes from entering your system.

It protects you from migraines
Hormonal ups and downs just before and during menstruation leave many women debilitated by killer migraine headaches. Hormonal contraception, including progestin-only pills, can ease or even stop these cyclical skull-throbbers, says Proudfit.

It can stabilize and even boost your mood
Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels during the days before your period can make you wigged out, irritable, and even depressed. Hormonal contraception steadies those fluctuations, so you feel like yourself all month long. As for the happiness boost, this comes from the peace of mind you get by knowing your body is baby-proofed. Couples who experience an unplanned bundle of joy are more apt to feel anxious and depressed, according to the Guttmacher report.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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