23 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

6 Essentials To Have A Successful & Fun Boot Camp Competition

By admin

Happy Sunday!

After a very filled day of fitness and family, Dan and I didn’t feel guilty at all for staying in bed a little longer than normal today.

We definitely deserved it!

I mentioned on Friday that we were going to hold our very first boot camp fitness competition and it went off without a hitch.

We had a blast, and it seemed that all those that made it out had a great time as well.

Having these competitions are so much fun and are a great way to bring everyone together. After all, a lot of these ladies have never met each other because of attending different classes.

I wanted to share today tips on putting something together like this, because even if you’re not a trainer or in a group program like a boot camp, it would be a blast to grab some friends, spouses, neighbors, co workers, etc and put together a summertime cookout and fitness war!

Sweat, eat, drink and be merry, right?

6 Tips To Throw An Adult Field Day


1. Be vague and mysterious. 

charleston boot camp

I wanted the ladies to get excited and to intrigued about what they would have to face. Over the past few weeks, I have given some hints to peak their interest but no details on what they would be faced with.

Don’t give all the details away, if you do, that ruins that surprise and lessens the excitement.

I wanted everyone to be excited and slightly nervous so I kept the gear, layout details, and exercises in complete secrecy. I didn’t even tell Dan until the morning of!

2. Pair people up with strangers. 

field day

I had it laid out so that groups of 4 were rotating around the competition. Everyone would complete the station and when all teams were done, a rotation would happen.

It would have been very easy to pair people up with their workout partners and friends, but I wanted it to be about meeting others and competing with people I thought would push each other.

This worked out perfectly, and by the end everyone knew each others names, giving high fives and instead of feeling like 7 boot camp (we have 7 locations), it felt like 1.


3. Go beyond the norm.

log pull

Sure, I could have just had a few many boot camp workouts or exercises planned out where they were scored on the reps and times. BORING.

Instead, I borrowed fun “boot camp” equipment and made the challenges like nothing they had ever seen before.

tire toss

A few examples:

-The weighted log pull

-The tire toss

-The log carry


So that at the end, they would think, wow… that was so hard but so much fun!

4. Have a great location. 

palmetto county park

I feel like this was what made the event go from great to amazing.

And it happened by accident.

I knew that I had wanted to rent a tent at a local county park, however, the one I originally wanted was already rented out for this weekend.

In fact, I ended up renting the LAST available tent in all of Charleston County (and I did it over a month ago). This wasn’t even the park I originally wanted.

I had no idea what we would end up with!

But it turned out perfect. Palmetto County park was amazing for us.

Dan and I pulled up, and that was the view from our tent.


Right behind us was the kids’ playground which was great for everyone who brought their families.

5. Have a great team. 

charleston personal trainers

We are blessed to have amazing trainers working for us. They helped to turn my goals and visions into a real event.

I tend to get worked up easily, but having Dan, Ashton, and Heyward with me made my stress almost nonexistent.

6. Finally… Don’t forget about having fun!


Last week, I had asked our boot campers if they wanted the trainers to go up in a head to head competition.

The response… HELL YEA.

Since I didn’t think it would be fair to design my own competition, I left that responsibility to Kim, one of my longest attending boot campers.

She made a little challenge for us that was a blast: lunges while balancing an orange, running with that same orange between our thighs and bear runs… with a splash of burpees thrown in.

That perfect way to end a great event!


I think that at the end, though we all had a great time… Kate summed it up best:


And no… I didn’t win. I thought I did, but I counted my reps wrong.

But here is the winner… oh yea, and it helps if you have great prizes too!


Have you ever competed in anything other than a race? 

Do you want to? 

In other news… 

Happy Birthday Lainey


After boot camp, Dan and I hung around at the park. It was our niece’s birthday and since we had the tent rented for the day, we all agreed it would be the perfect place for her 2 year b-day party.

Here are just a few pictures from the day!

lainey swing


The best cake ever…



Wanting to be like Aunt “Kiki” with a super cool headband!

headband headband2

Happy Sunday.

Whip Six Feed

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