15 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

6 Ladies Without A Name And 70 Miles Ahead Of Them

By admin

Happy Tuesday, I hope your day is off to the best possible start. We are still enjoying spring-like weather so I am quite the happy woman! Sadly, it won’t last much longer as winter has decided to make a comeback later this week. Just in time for my run on Saturday.

Speaking of running, I have HUGE news to share today.

Remember a few months back I wrote up my fitness bucket list? On it was to do a relay race… well that time has already come.

On April 13th, 5 women and myself will be running the Palmetto 70. The Palmetto 70 is a 70 mile relay race starting outside of Charleston and finishing at one of the county parks. It’s a part of the much larger, Palmetto 200 which will be going on at the same time.


While a 200 relay race is the event on my bucket list, I had to be smart. With my crazy race schedule and other projects going on, I just don’t have it in me to commit to the 200… plus it was a lot easier to convince my running friends to do the 70!

I am stoked! This is a great way to meet new friends, push myself to new levels and learn how to work as a team. I am so used to individual sports that I am excited to get out of my element and be apart of a group.

Especially this group!


On the team:

Jeanette: Of course my fitness partner in crime agreed to do it with me! She has actually done the Palmetto 200 in the past and was the team captain. So I will be turning to her for a lot of help.

Katie: Katie and I went to Winthrop together. She moved to Charleston a few years ago and since we have been able to rekindle our friendship! She is a superb runner. In college, she was always hitting the Rock Hill streets and helped motivate me to be a better overall athlete. She is also a certified Dietician so you might remember her from when she did an awesome interview for LR Here.

April: April is a boot camper and a true inspiration! She is going to be such a positive influence on our team. She always gives everything that she has and I know she will for this race. Not to mention she is freaking in amazing shape! This girl will go run 5 miles and then come to boot camp… crazy!

Kim: Kim is another boot camper and has become a great friend. I have seen this girl transform her body and performance over the past year that it amazes me! Back in September she tackled her first 1/2 marathon. But she made mine look wimpy! Her race was through the canyons of Utah. This girl means business! Plus, she has a smile on her face ALL THE TIME. I think she will have the most influence on me personally in terms of helping to keep my crazy nerves in check.

Saskia: She is a running friend of Katie. To be honest we haven’t met yet but I am already planning a get together for the entire team! But just from talking through emails and facebook I can tell that Saskia, is going to be a huge asset to our team.

I can’t wait for all the girls to get together soon. I mean we are all trapped together in 1 van, so we gotta break the ice before then!

And then there is one more important member:

From the 2012 USMC Mudrun

Dan: Of course he isn’t running but Dan is our official team driver and will be in charge of blogging/social media. Poor guy always finds himself stuck in the middle of the ladies. Lol. I am relying on him to take some amazing team pictures and videos of the adventure so I can share the experience when it’s over.

How Do This Work? 

Basically, we will all take turns running “legs”. As the captain, I will be putting together which legs each person is doing but of course talking with everyone to see what kind of miles they can handle.

We each take turns until we hit the finish line: 70 miles up the road.

The Palmetto 200 works the same way it’s just a lot longer! We get to start the next day and just “jump in” with them for the last part of the race.

I am stoked! I am excited to see so much of Charleston and to hang out with some awesome ladies!

But there is one issue…

The No Names

We have yet to decide on a team name! We all put some ideas together and took a vote, but the final vote has yet to happen. We need a name right!?

So I am going to post the top names below and I would love to know which one you like the best!

Or if you have an original and creative idea I would love to hear it.

Please Pick Your Favorite To Help Us Have A Name: 

  1. Tag Team
  2. Lady Lightening
  3. Taylor’s Swifts (no, I didn’t think of this one)
  4. Running Not On Empty

Registration for both the Palmetto 200 and Palmetto 70 are still open! So if you’re in a surrounding area and have been thinking about doing a relay race check it out. I am under then impression from talking with the race directors that the limited spots do fill up. Seriously, you only live once, right? That’s why I decided why put it off! Palmetto 200 Webpage!

Over the next few months I will be posting up a bit about this adventure. How to plan, tips, etc! I am sure I will have a few obstacles pop up too that I’ll share.

What should be our team name? 


*We have been given a discounted entry for documenting our experiences from the Palmetto race team! 

The post 6 Ladies Without A Name And 70 Miles Ahead Of Them appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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