15 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

7 Ways to Save Money on Vacation

By admin

Vacationing on a budget doesn’t need to involve six layovers and questionable bed linens. But unfortunately, you may need to be a little sneakier this year when it comes to saving on travel. This summer, prices for hotels and domestic flights are up four percent from last year, according to Hotwire.com’s recent State of Summer Travel Report.

Before you try to convince yourself that a stay-cation really is as good as a tropical getaway, use these tips to score the blissful trip you deserve:

Stay put in July
Sure, a Fourth of July vacation sounds ideal, but it may also cost you. According to reports by Hotwire and Priceline, June and August airfare will be slightly cheaper than packing up in July. And if you can swing it, planning your trip for right after Labor Day (September 2) will score you huge discounts, says Clem Bason, president of the Hotwire Group.

Avoid weekend travel
Flying from weekend to weekend may be the best option for your work schedule, but it’s the worst for your wallet. “Everyone wants to do that in the summer, and because the planes are already very full, your prices spike for those departures and returns,” says Bason. “If you’re willing to book weekday to weekday for a 7-day trip—preferably on a Tuesday or Wednesday—you can save about 10 percent over a weekend departure.”

Spend more time searching for flights
Airfare search engines are great, but they’re not foolproof—so don’t assume you can find the lowest fare with just one click. Always expand your search to include nearby airports, says Bason, since some lesser-known private airports are starting to offer commercial flights. “Half the time, you don’t even know these airports exist,” says Bason.

If you’re traveling with a few people, make sure to search for seats individually before you search for them together. If a flight only has three seats left at one price and you’re looking for four, they’ll bump you up to the next price bracket, says Bason. Plus, you might still be able to change your seats later on so you’re sitting together.

Book your hotel, then keep looking
You know you can save a ton by booking at the last minute, but you also don’t want to deal with the anxiety of possibly getting stuck in a bed bug-ridden, half-star lodge. Bason’s suggestion: Book a hotel online with a liberal cancellation policy (ideally, one you can cancel at no charge up to 24-hours before the reservation). Then take another look at the last-minute deals the week before your vacation. If you can cancel on the same day at no charge—or if you’re truly planning an impromptu trip—check out the Hotel Tonight app or Priceline Negotiator app. Both tools show you same-day hotel reservations at seriously reduced prices.

Don’t pay extra for bags
With many airlines charging $ 30 for the first checked bag, it may be worth it to skip packing that fourth pair of heels. “Before you fly, know what your airline’s baggage requirements are and stay under them,” says Brian Ek, travel expert for Priceline.com. Check the airline’s website for their exact size and weight dimensions since these can vary from carrier to carrier, and check your bag before you leave the house with your bathroom scale—if it doesn’t fit, just weigh yourself holding the suitcase and subtract your own weight.

Bundle your trip
Even if you’re traveling solo, you can get a deal by purchasing your flight, hotel, and car service together. The reason: most sites will only show you the total price instead of an itemized bill, and airlines and hotels are more comfortable giving steep discounts when you can’t actually see the final price. “They don’t want to be seen as discounting,” says Ek.

Consider heading someplace new
There are a few travel options that are going to be particularly cheap this summer. For a nearby trip, try Washington, D.C. Due to the recent budget cuts from the sequester, fewer business travelers are coming in for agency meetings, say Bason. As a result, the hotels are struggling to fill rooms and dropping prices. Another place hungry for travelers is Vancouver, which added resorts for the winter Olympics in 2010 and is seeing many of them go unused, says Bason. And if you’re heading to Europe, check out the rates in Berlin. They recently added thousands of new hotel rooms in anticipation of a new airport that has been delayed, says Bason.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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