18 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

By admin

You know those weeks where it just feels as if your workouts are solid, strong, and perfect?

I’ve been having those for the past 3 weeks now. It feels great and I’m just rolling with it.

I think having holiday inspiration to create workouts has helped too. I mean, when you have a workout called “99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout”, it’s hard not to get excited about it.

This workout few by and by the end, oh man were my legs and abs burning. It’s a total body workout, but if you do it, you’ll quickly realize there is extra emphasis on the core and lower body for sure.

Also, for the squats, I alternated between body weight and weighted. I would do 10 with a kettlebell, 10 without until the set was complete. If you’re more advanced, I encourage you to do the same.

Trust me, there are a lot of squats, so I wouldn’t attempt to do them all weighted! By the end my booty and legs were on fire.

99 Problems But An Elf Ain’t One Workout

Here’s how this works… you’ll complete 99 reps of each move. You don’t have to complete the moves all at once, break it up as needed in order to keep the rest breaks to a minimum while keeping proper form.

Oh and set a timer for 5 minutes…. Every 5 minutes you’re going to do the “Elf Shuffle” or for those that aren’t into the cutesy stuff, the cardio blast.

I recommend keeping a piece of paper around you to keep track of your progress!

99 Problems But An Elf Aint One - Fun Holiday Workout For Total Body

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The Moves

Star Jumps

Star Push-Ups


Gum Drops

Toy Builders


Reindeer Kicks

Twinkle Toes

Star Crunches

For the Elf Shuffle…

The half burpees are simply burpees without a push-up. The lateral hops are keeping the feet together and jumping side to side as quickly as possible.

You’ve got the workout, you know the moves, the only thing left is to do the Elf Shuffle!

Since today’s post is elf inspired… if you were an elf what would be your elf name?

I would want to be Suga’ Cookie! Lol.

Whip Six Feed

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