29 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Cream Of The Crop Healthy Living Blogs

By admin

I love blogging! I love being able to get out my thoughts, sit down with you and just get everything off my chest (what little there is on my chest). And as much as I love to sit and write myself, I love reading other blogs.

I guess it’s because I love to people watching, so it only makes sense that I love t read about other people’s healthy lives. I would have called this the top fitness blogs, except some of my favorite blogs are less about fitness and more about healthy living. But one thing is for certain, all of these blogs are enjoying to read!

I also love finding new blogs, though that means I would be spending even more time reading instead of working away at the computer..oh well! :) So if you don’t see your favorite blog on the list, please feel free to add it in the comments. I would love to check it out.

My Top 5 Favorite Healthy Living Blogs (aside from Lifting Revolution of course):

CarrotsNCake: This was the second blog that I started reading regularly. First off, Tina seems like a down to earth type of girl, someone I could see walking in my condo, grabbing a beer out of the freezer and then helping me put together a healthy meal for dinner. She blogs about her workouts (mostly crossfit), her meals, and daily adventures. Tina actually inspired me to test out pancake ideas and was the blogger responsible for introducing me to sunflower butter (which you know I love!)

PbFingers: Julie is a young, corky chick with a great sense of balancing fitness, healthy eating and splurging. The girl can have a post one minute about a killer workout and healthy barley meal and the next there will be a picture of herself eating a HUGE mountain of frozen yogurts, no toppings left off. It just shows how it’s okay to let your hair down and enjoy the sweets of life from time time (in moderation).

Plus Julie has some really killer treadmill and elliptical interval programs that I love.

Peace Love & Oats: Katie is a young law student in Chicago and to be honest I have no idea how I came across her blog, but I did and I’ve read it each morning since. She gives great workout tips, documents her own fitness and healthy eating world and gives some awesome recipe ideas! My “fluffy, creamy veggie oats” where inspired by her!

I’ve also gotten to know her a little and she gave me the opportunity to write for her blog (Read Here). And yes, the girl really does LOVE oats! And she loves Charleston, so Katie gets brownie points for that.

Oh She Glows: When I first tried vegan quite some time ago, I knew I needed help. Eating salads weren’t going to be an option for every single meal. So I started scouring the internet and found Angela’s Oh She Glows, a vegan blog. It’s awesome and those first few weeks when I had no idea how to prepare meals Angela was my go to lady.

I never made a meal I didn’t like! She inspired me to experiment with vegan recipes and to learn more about vegan subsitutes. I can say it’s because of her that Dan now loves my vegan meals! She’s also passionate about food photography and again, on the blog she gives great ideas and help on this. Perfect for a food blogger! The best recipe on her site? The Lentil Walnut Loaf rocks!!

Fannetastic Food: Anne (get it: fANNEtastic) is about to finish up grad school at UNC for nutrition. Being that she is living in Raleigh meant that I instantly liked her (southern ladies have to stick together)! She blogs food, runs, and just day to day life. Running is her passion, and watching her pump out 10 miles like it’s nothing is very motivating to me since I am toying with the idea of training for a 1/2 marathon. I love that she doesn’t stick to just one for of exercise though, as she talks about doing intense yoga classes, intervals and circuits around her home.

There are a few others that I follow regularly, but these are my personal favorites. A few blogs that I used to follow in the past, have since changed or I feel that what I have wanted out of them has changed. So for today, these are my top 5 favorite healthy living blogs!


  • What are your favorite blogs or websites to read regularly?
  • Do you blog?  

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