30 January 2014 ~ 0 Comments

10 Active Things To Do During A Winterapocalypse

By admin

Yesterday, something very rare happened here in Charleston.

We were hit with sleet, ice and even a dusting of snow. Zoe wasn’t so sure about the crunch under her paws…


The snow wasn’t the problem (clearly when I said “dusting” I meant it), it was the ice that has caused the entire city to shut down. Thousands lost power, bridges were closed, and we were stuck in our homes.

For those up north, not a big deal. You guys get this all the time. For us, it’s a huge deal. We don’t know how to handle these conditions which is why everyone goes into panic mode and everything goes black.

We lost power for a few hours, but luckily it popped back on before the sunrise. Let’s just say it’s been confirmed that we have the best blankets ever!

I know we’re not alone in this winterapocalypse. So, I thought it would be fun to share some ideas for what to do on a day like today without going too stir crazy!


10 Active Indoor Things To Do During A Winterapocalypse

1. Practice New Recipes

Get in the kitchen and play! Days where you can’t get to the grocery store are the best for recipe testing. Look in your pantry, scout your fridge, and pick through the spice cabinet to see what new and inventive food creations you can come up with!

Since starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox Diet a few days ago, my goal is to come up with some healthy treats that I can enjoy… I am a dessert kind of girl! I’ll share on Instagram what I come up with!

I’m not the only one that uses snow days for baking… Lindsay (Lindsay’s List) agrees with me!

2. Do This Workout


Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you are forced to sit on the couch watching movies (though watching one should happen!).

Get your blood flowing, heart pounding and the adrenaline pumping with this workout. This is what I shared with my boot campers after canceling classes.

3. Finally Clean Out The Pantry/Closet/Room

Since Christmas, Dan has wanted to clean out his drawers and closet. Well, today it’s going to happen. While he does that, I plan on cleaning the bathroom cabinets and pantry.

Feeling organized and clean makes me feel like a rock star.

Tackle those house projects you’ve been putting off. You’ll feel like a rock star too.

4. Set a Fitness Timer

Set a timer for either one hour or 2 then each time it buzzes, spend 3-5 minutes doing something active. Alternate between squats, push-ups, lunges, etc. Moves that are easily done anywhere inside and moves that at the end of the day you’ll look back on and say… “wow, I did xxx”.

After I finish typing this post, I am hooking up the TRX and grabbing my kettlebell for some bonus training!

5. Test Your Photography Skills

I might hate winter and everything that it brings, but I can’t deny that it is gorgeous.

Grab you camera, layer up, and go for a walk. It’s far too icy to run or really play outside but walking and snapping pictures is a fun way to grab some fresh air.

Plus, you know you want some great pictures for Facebook and Instagram, right?

6. Partake In Lindsay’s Burpee Challenge

Yesterday, my friend Lindsay (CotterCrunch) shared tons of awesome burpee workouts. I do love a good burpee workout!

Go over there, check out her 1000 Burpee Challenge and get motivated to start the 90 Day Challenge today. Why wouldn’t you want to do burpees all day long? It’s pretty much the best idea ever!

7. Download A Yoga Video

Our Fav DVD: Rodney Yee

Last week many of you shared your love of yoga and your awareness for how good it is for you. But you also said that it always takes a backseat to your training and other workouts.

Today, don’t let it. Head to Netflix, iTunes, YouTube, etc and spend at least 15 minutes doing some yoga!

It will help warm you up, stretch you out and get you ready for one of the workouts above. :)

8. Plan Out Goals For February

Now, this isn’t moving around but it’s still taking active steps towards something.

Plan out the month or even just the week ahead.

Plan your meals, your workouts, your goals, your work schedule, etc.

Start the month ahead of the game. Clean out your inbox, organize your life as much as possible.

9. Have A Winterwonderland Themed Date


Did you know that the highest percentage of conceived children happen during winter storms? Take out the fine China for a candlelight dinner, get a fire started (in the fire place) and stay warm cuddled up together.  I’ll just leave it at that.

10. Do The Core & More Challenge


Today is the final day of the Core & More Challenge!

Tomorrow I’ll take the final count of those of you who finished and announce the prizes!

Today’s the final day which means 90 second plank and 50 push-ups!

Have you had a snow day this year? Love or hate winter?

I can’t say this is a snow day, it’s more of an ice day. I wish we were able to have snowball fights or something to show for it, but a las, we’re just stuck. Inside.

I hate winter. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Whip Six Feed

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