14 February 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Who Else Wants Lovely Honey Cashew Pancakes? (And Valentine’s Day Link Love)

By admin

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

My husband might not be a huge fan of today, but I certainly am. Perhaps I should give Dan some credit, I don’t think he’s always hated this lovely day…


When we celebrated our first Valentine’s Day together, he went out of his way. Drove up to Winthrop (where I was still in school) to take me out and pamper me with love.  When he pulled up, he asked to go into my room to assemble my gift. A few minutes later he reemerged looking like a sad puppy.

Dan apologized for my gift and handed me an itty bitty wooden puzzle-piece jewelry box that fit in the palm of my hand. Apparently when the package arrived, he just tossed it into his car with the idea that he would fill the box up with all sorts of candies when he got to Winthrop.

Once there, he opened the package and his big, gorgeous puzzle piece jewelry box that he thought he had purchased was very  gorgeous but not very big… at all. In fact it was so small It could only hold a single ring.

He was disappointed by his purchase (that thing wasn’t cheap) that I think it scared him for Valentine’s to come.

Since then there have been bottles of wine, movie dates, and dinners but no traditional gifts like candy, flowers, etc.

But regardless…


I love everything about Valentine’s Day! Everyone seems a bit lighter, a bit more chipper and in the spirit to show love.

I’m no different, which is why I am sharing this lovely pancake recipe this morning (to continue with National Pancake Month).

These pancakes are the perfect way to say “I love you” to someone special, including yourself. Make them for the kids this weekend and even let them use cookie cutters to cut out fun pancake shapes.

I have to admit, eating a heart shaped pancake for some reason tasted better than a boring, normal shaped one. It added something special to the plate and to my taste buds! As if you could feel the love that went into making them.

Because these are loaded with healthy fat, protein and carbs you’re be pleasantly surprised how long they fill you up! Perfect for a breakfast before running out to play in the snow (or ice if you’re around Charleston).

Honey Cashew Pancakes


Recipe makes 1 serving


1/4 Cup Oats (or Almond Meal)

2 Tsp Vanilla Protein

1 Egg White

1 Beet*

1/4 Banana

1/4 Tsp Baking Soda

1/4 Tsp Vanilla

1 Tsp Honey

2 Tbsp Almond  Milk (or water)

*For the beets, I buy them pre-cooked and packaged at the store.


Mix everthing together until smooth. I used a Magic Bullet for ease.

Heat a non-stick skillet to Med heat. Coat with coconut oil if necessary.

Batter makes 3 small pancakes. Pour 1/3 batter into skillet and allow to coon until edges puff up and bubbles form. Flip and cook an additional minute before removing. Continue until all of the batter is used up.

Use a heart cookie cutter to cut out heart pancakes.

Finish off by spending 2 minutes making the honey cashew spread…


Honey Cashew Spread


1/2 Cup Cashews

2 Tsp Honey

2 Tbsp Water (or more if needed)


1. In a Magic Bullet or small food processor blend ingredients until smooth and creamy. If too think, add a little more water until desired consistency is achieved.

Top pancakes with 1 heaping tbsp of spread and extra drizzle of honey and enjoy!

Spreading The Love:
Valentines Day Sweet Treats Blog Love

If you’re still looking for some yummy treats to make for loved ones around you this weekend, here are some sweet finds from the blog-world! Some are healthy and some are all about living guilt free.

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Popcorn Cups (Lean Green Bean)

Beat Fudge Chocolate Protein Hearts (Purely Twins)


Source: PurelyTwins

Red Velvet Protein Mugcake (Sprint 2 The Table)

Chocolate Cherry Brownies With Chocolate Cherry Sauce (Sarah Kay Hoffman)

Chocolate Truffles With Strawberry Cream (PaleoParents)


Image source: PaleoParents

What’s’ your ideal Valentine’s Day date or gift?

Whip Six Feed

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