27 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

#SuitYourself To Love Yourself

By admin

What woman actually looks forward to bathing suit season?

I look forward to lounging out and floating around on my parents’ pool. I look forward to playing bocci and riding the waves at the beach. I look forward to evening paddleboard adventures on Shem Creek with Dan…


But all those things require one thing…

A bathing suit.

Last year, my heart skipped a beat each time I slipped into my bikini. I would have Dan tie my strings behind my back and then I would analyze myself in the bathroom mirror  turning this way and that way to see what “bikini stance” flattered my body the most before tossing on a sundress.

Pictures in a bathing suit? Ha. Only if I was laying down flat to make my stomach appear perfect!

This year, I am making a change. I am going to follow my friend Carla’s two step advice to get a bathing suit body!

The #SuitYourself Challenge

Yesterday morning, on my way to boot camp (yes, we had a 6:00am class on Memorial Day and it was awesome) I heard on the radio show, The Bert Show, about the #SuitYourself Challenge.

I had intended to write a blog post today on the benefits of exercise beyond weight loss. But when I heard this challenge, I knew that I wanted to address it.

“…it’s time to take back our bodies and DESTROY the fear of bathing suit season. The reality is we don’t all look like models; what works for one woman won’t work for another.

The reality is that woman are so different, and it doesn’t matter if you’re naturally rail thin or naturally heavier, if you’re busty or flat chested, or if you’ve got a pear shape or are rockin’ the apple look. Women are all unique and are all beautiful.

So, OWN your body, take back the fear, and post a picture of yourself in your bathing suit on Instagram or Twitter (or both!) by using the hashtag #SuitYourself with something you LOVE about yourself.”

After last week’s fat feeling post, I felt this event resonated with me, and hopefully it does with you as well.

We have got to stop being our own worst critics. We have got to stop bashing ourselves and begin to show more love.

When we love ourselves more that radiates and others will as well.

Yes, I have cellulite, I have stretch marks (apparently my legs were suppose to be sticks?), my thigh gap is quickly closing and my 6-pack? It’s under there somewhere!

But you know what? I am not going to let me fear of prancing around in a bathing suit stop me from enjoying the summer.

I love being outdoors, I love being on the water, and I love taking advantage of what my city has to offer… tons of fun in the sun!

Am I going to let something at silly as a bathing suit keep me trapped? NO, and I don’t want it to hold you back either.

This summer, I, and hopefully WE, are going to take control of our emotions.

Join The #SuitYourself Challenge


The idea is to take a picture of yourself in a bathing suit. Own it! Be proud of your body and acknowledge all it can do for you.

Then post it up on Instagram, or whatever social media platform you use with the hashtag #suityourself and tag me @fitnesstaylor . Also post something that you love about yourself.

At the end of the next week or two, I will give a shout out to all you gorgeous ladies!

Always remember, we are our own worst enemies. The image we see in the mirror is often times not the image that others see.

The first shout out goes to my amazing SIL, Julie. I love that she supports my blog posts visions. She is always on board and was more than willing to let me snap a picture of her in her suit for all you lovely people.


My niece clearly things we are insane! It’s cool.

Yes, her arms are wicked toned… She is also one of my clients (just thought I would toss that in there).

What’s the point? 

Why am I asking you to do this?

Because it’s scary, it’s showing your vulnerable side and in the end, it’s going to make you stronger, more confident and more in control of your body image.

We have to get out of our comfort zones to make a change! Right?

So let’s change together!

If you think I’m crazy, that’s cool. But I think you’re beautiful. And I think I’m beautiful.

Are you going to do the #SuitYourself Challenge? 

Whip Six Feed

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