02 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Be The Laziest Person If You Want To Be The Most Successful

By admin

Sometimes you have to stop working to get more done.

Sometimes you have to be a slacker.

Sometimes you have to say “no, I will not do that today” to take time for yourself.

Americans, have been groomed to be workaholics. Plus, we do everything in excess.

We work too much…

Drink too much…

Eat too much…

Even take life for granted too much. So let me ask you…

When Was The Last Time You Unplugged From Life?

If you’re like me, it’s been a while. Over 51% of Americans don’t use their vacation time. 

I’m one of them.

When was the last time you ate what you wanted, without thinking about calories or how many miles you have to run to burn it off?

Sure, you might eat what you want from time to time, but be honest… in the back of your mind there is that voice calling out, “do you really think you should eat that?!”

You know, the food guilt.

Sometimes you have to learn to shut that voice up and eat the damn piece of coconut cream cake while savoring every single bite.


The Couple That Worked Too Much

Once upon a time, there was a girl that had BIG dreams.

She wanted to help women discover how easy and amazing it was to lead a healthy lifestyle.

She wanted to give these women the best workouts and nutrition tips to inspire them transform their habits.

So, with her husband, she created two business: a local women’s boot camp and studio… and an online training studio.

She wanted her passion to shine bright.

Her husband and her worked diligently, sometimes clocking in 15 hours days. Because work was done at their home office, it was never quitting time.

Weekdays, weekends, etc…

Work Was Always On Their Minds

It consumed them.

“Our hard work will pay off!”

This is what they kept telling each other. And it did. However they were so focused on many different goals, that they never stopped to celebrate their successes.

Over time, the couple got moody with each other…

…work began to feel less passionate and more like “work”…

…the couple often felt more like business associates and less like a married couple.

No matter how they tried to relax in their home, the work load still felt heavy and was always there.

One day…

The (Amazingly Gorgeous :)) Wife Decided To Do Something Special

She surprised her husband with a night out on the town.

It was almost immediate… as soon as the couple closed and locked their door of their home to leave, the air was lighter.

They had clocked out.

She Booked A Room At The Beautiful Historic Fulton Lane Inn

It’s a (bed and breakfast) in downtown Charleston for the evening.


As soon as they walked into their room, they knew the stay would be perfect.


The antique fireplace, the bed, and the luxurious bathroom screamed romance and comfort all at once




They each sipped a glass of champagne (that we snuck in ourselves) while getting ready for a night out.

After getting settled and dressed up, it was time for a night out.

First… A Complimentary Happy Hour!

What better way to let your guard down and to get into “vacation mode”?


In all seriousness, this was one of the best complimentary happy hours I have ever experienced.

Limitless glasses of wine and snacks in a secret courtyard, tucked away just 20 feet from the hustle and bustle of King Street at Kings Courtyard Inn (available free to Fulton Lane Inn guests).

Seriously. It was that close to the busiest street in Charleston, yet you couldn’t even tell it was there.


The evening was spent enjoying cocktails…

Great food…

Great conversation…

And a surprise meet up with friends.



Yes, from time to time work was brought up. But, instead of feeling burdened by work, both the husband and the wife were excited about it.

The Passion Was Back

A little bit of laziness can help out a lot.

Before heading out, breakfast was enjoyed at Kitchen 208, a small cafe located right next door to Fulton Lane Inn.


In less than 5 minutes, meals had been ordered and coffee was in hands. #Bliss.


Breakfast wrap for the lady… stuffed with turkey, eggs, hummus, and veggies!


And turkey wrap for the hubby…


The night out had cleaned their mental (and marital) house up and returned it to it’s former relaxed state.

Why You Should Take A Day Off From Everything

We relearned a powerful lesson in life…

Sometimes being lazy is the most productive thing you can do.

Not just with work, but with exercise, diet, you name it.

  • Take a few days off from working out every once in a while…
  • Have your cake and eat it too without worrying if it’s going to show up on your hips…
  • Take a vacation day even if you’re not actually going any where…

Life Is Short –  It’s Meant To Be Enjoyed!

It’s those moments when we can “turn off” that we realize what we are actually working for.


I want to thank Fulton Lane Inn and Kitchen 208 for a wonderful date night with my husband. We needed it. We make it a point to try to separate business from marriage but the truth is, that is impossible when we are so passionate about what we do.

But it’s equally important to take ourselves out of the work zone to enjoy just being us.

I recommend you try it sometime! : )

If you ever visit Charleston, stay there. So far it’s been our favorite place downtown.

If you were able to fly off to ANY city for a night out on the town with your significant other, which city would you go to?

I am a hopeless romantic, so I would likely jet away to Paris for the evening to indulge in too much wine and bread.

In blog news…

I am in the process of making some changes to the way I blog. In an effort to get ahead and organized for these new changes, this week will be a bit lighter in posts with the new changes being implemented next week!

Thanks you… for your patience… and for being an amazing reader of what I write (it always makes me smile!)

We received a discounted rate to Fulton Lane for this review, as well as a gift card to Kitchen 208. But all thoughts and opinions are my own. Dan and I both agreed that we loved the inn and plan on it being our regular go to for evenings out on the town (which we try to do every 4-6 months).

Whip Six Feed

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