09 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Sexy Stems: Leg Workout For Women

By admin

It’s Youtube Wednesday!<– I’ve decided most Wednesdays from here on out should be Youtube Wednesdays!

What better way to get through your hump day than with some Youtube love?

And if that doesn’t happen because you can’t watch videos at work…

Let’s call it Gif Wednesday!

It’s about time we talked legs…

Personally, my legs are my most confident body part. They are strong, they allow me to do so many great and wonderful things and according to my husband, they’re sexy.

I’ll take it!

So let’s all give our legs some extra TLC and give them this workout. Consider a gift from me to your legs.

They’ll love you. Maybe not during the workout, but after it’s all said and done they’ll appreciate the attention.

The Sexy Stems Workout

Like last week’s arm workout which was based off a new program for Fit Womens Weekly, this week’s sweat feast is as well. It’s a great workout,  and Sexy Stems is a taste of what you can expect from the full, real deal program.

Just make sure to watch the video and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Without further ado, let’s do this!

Only 4 moves, but don’t let that fool you. In this short workout my legs were burning.



The felt as if I had a belt of bricks on each time I tried to jump up onto the box.

A good workout? Oh yes!

Let’s go over these moves, shall we?

Lunge Skips

  • Everyone has a different name for these, but I think lunge skips suites them best. That’s literally what they are… a reverse lunge with a high skip coming out of it.
  • Make sure to take an extra wide step back and use your arms to power your skip up as high as possible at the end of the lunge!
  • When counting for this workout, it’s half on one side, half on the other. I.e. The first round is 5 reps on the right leg, 5 on the left.
Decline Plank Foot Taps

  • Don’t have a box? No biggie… use a bench, chair, step, etc. If you don’t have anything to put your feet on, do it from a classic plank.
  • Keep your core engaged from start to finish, make sure you don’t let your butt creep up which is easy to do.
  • For counting reps, this is a 1-1 count. Which means for the first round you’ll do a total of 8 (4 on right and 4 on left).
Box Jumps

  • Don’t have a box? No biggie… use a bench, a chair, or a stepper. If there is nothing available, simply do squat jumps in place.
  • Make sure to squat down low before jumping up onto the top. Try to land softly, “ninja like” for proper jump dynamics. Then, step down or jump down from the top.
Burpee With Tuck Jump

  • You didn’t think I would exclude burpees, did you?
  • Complete a classic burpee (with a push-up) and finish it off with a tuck jump instead of a squat jump. Feel those legs burn!
What’s your favorite way to show off your legs? Heels… short shorts… Not at all…

I LOVE high heels and love the way the shape a woman’s leg. I have far too many pairs for one person especially considering I am in workout clothes most days.

Whip Six Feed

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