23 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Your 5 Minute Away From A Rock Solid Ab Workout

By admin

I’m a big believer that doing a little something beats the heck out of doing nothing at all.

This week, I am following that belief completely. One of our trainers is touring Europe for the next 2 weeks (jealous!), we are moving boot camp locations, and I am training 2x as many classes as normal to keep things running normal.

I’m all over the freaking place and time is of the essence. Luckily, I love what I do… a lot.

I’m not letting my crazy schedule keep me from doing what needs to get done, well at least completely. My goal is to be efficient by choosing my priorities and by aiming to do a little bit of a lot.

That means my workouts too.

Training may suffer this week, but I know life will get back to a routine soon. For now, I am at peace knowing that if I have a 5 minute window to workout, I need to take it and be thankful.

5 minutes…

You can do a lot in 5 minutes!

You can do a lot for your body in 5 minutes!

And just think if you find 5 5-minute windows throughout the day, that’s a 25 minute workout. Not so bad, right?

So let’s start our 5-minute mini workout with this Rock Solid Ab Workout.

5 Minute Rock Solid Ab Routine

It’s pretty self explanatory, right?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete. I promise, by the end your abs will be ecstatic it’s only 5 minutes. They will be burning!

Complete it 3-4 times a week and you’ll see yourself improving and getting stronger as you do just a few more reps each go around.


The Moves

Let’s quickly cover the exercises so that you can feel 100% confident. Sound good?

Lemon Squeezes

  • Stretch out and tighten your abs as you lift your shoulders and feet slightly off the ground, eyes looking at your toes.
  • Pull your knees in and lift your chest up so that you’re in a “squeezed” position on your tush.
  • Control your body as you return to start.
  • If needed, a modified version is to sit with your hands under your tush and bring your knees into your chest and back out.
Side To Side Lemon Squeezes

  • Stretch out and tighten your abs as you lift your shoulders and feet slightly off the ground, eyes looking at your toes.
  • Roll to one side of your body and crunch up, aiming to bring your elbow to your calf.
  • Extend the body back out, aiming to not allow the feet to hit the ground and roll to the other side to repeat the move.
Hollow Hold Taps

  • Stretch out and tighten your abs as you lift your shoulders and feet slightly off the ground, eyes looking at your toes.
  • Allow the right heel to come down and barely hit the ground 10 times. Repeat with the left side.
  • If you find your back arching up, bend your knees to help!
Plank Walks

        • Start in an extended plank (top of your arms, not on elbows) with feet together.
        • Simultaneously, take a step with your hands and feet with maintaining a tight core.
        • Repeat in the other direction.
Leg Raise With Toe Touch

        • Lay on your back, feet pointed.
        • Contracting at your abs, lift your legs up until they are perpendicular to the ground.
        • Reach up with your hands and “crunch” as you aim to touch your shoe laces.
        • Allow your shoulders to return to the ground before lowering the legs.

And that is it!

And if you find that you are like me and time isn’t exactly free flowing, just switch out the moves with other body part exercises as the day goes on for a total body workout!

But seriously, no matter how busy we are, we can all find a few 5 minute windows of opportunity. And those windows add up!

So tell me…

If you only had 5 minutes every day for “me time” what would you do?

To be honest, if I only had 1 5-minute window, I would close my eyes and rest!

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