02 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

7 Things A Trainer Probably Shouldn’t Confess

By admin

Just when you thought I had run out of confessions…


Oh no, they keep coming. I’m human after all and I’ve some some pretty ridiculous things in my day.

Did you miss the last confession?

And while, I’m not proud of many of these moments, I am proud of my ability to come clean and move on.

So, without further ado…

7 Things A Trainer Probably Shouldn’t Confess

1. I’ve eaten food out of the trashcan before.


Yup, done it. I found myself snacking left over cake (or cookies or something) once and decided the best way to remedy the situation would be to toss it out.

So I did. Then I walked away, sat down and started to daydream about the delicious food I just tossed out. Then I realized it was on the top of the trashcan, how dirty could it be?

I went back for more, felt extremely ashamed and after a few bites decided to take the trash out for good. Out of sight, out of mind only works sometimes!

I wish I could say this was a one time event…

2. Carrot cake… it’s made with carrots!


Another sweet confession, I can’t help it, I love sweets!

When I was in college and slightly too obsessed with the food I put into my body, my friends enjoyed going to Kaminsky’s from time to time.

They would get these decadent slices of chocolate cake, ice cream sundaes, or chunks of cheesecake. I always opted for carrot cake… which I didn’t even like back then (now I LOVE it).

Why? Because in my brain I had convinced myself that this was the healthier option. I knew I had to order something to keep people from thinking I was sick (which I was), so I ordered the carrot cake.

Carrots are good for you, raisins are high in fiber… so this was good for you.

It was delicious, and it wasn’t until much later I realized it wasn’t so good for me. If I had known that I would have just gotten the chocolate cake! Okay, I probably wouldn’t have gotten anything at all!

So I guess I should thank my strange way of thinking for allowing me to eat like a normal person from time to time.

3. No, I didn’t just workout… okay, I did.


I’ve been quite open with my exercise addiction over the years. I go through periods where I have been known to over do it when it comes to sweating… more specifically with cardio.

This was never more true than last year. Here’s a confession… just last year I was far too in love with the treadmill. I would conveniently avoid telling people (okay, my husband) about how many times I was actually working out.

I think I was running about 5-6 days per week, and averaging about 6 miles per run. One of the likely reasons that my anemia became worse, I didn’t have a period, and I ended up injured.

Would I had slowed down if someone told me to? Probably not. Last year taught me a lot about my goals, myself and my body.

4. I had a period!


Going off the above confession, this is more of an announcement than anything.

Yes, after a REALLY long time of not having a period, it’s recently returned. We aren’t trying for kids yet, but my very long period hiatus did have us nervous. It’s been refreshing to be honest, and it’s nice to know I’m finally treating my body right.

So what’s changed? I’ve gained 10-lbs, I workout less (and smarter), I run less, I eat more, and I am not longer a vegan…

All of these things I think contribute to my new found womanhood.

I forgot how expensive tampons are though! Ugh.

(this isn’t something I talk about often, however I am an open book so if you have questions or want me to elaborate I am happy to do so!).

5. I run like an elephant.


When I was in college, my roommate was a sprinter on our track team.

From time to time she would take me out to the track and try to “train” me. And by training, I mean she tried to have me run like a small framed girl and less like a 3-ton elephant.

Apparently, I run very heavy… pounding on the ground as if there were cockroaches that need to be stomped with each stride.

Dan has commented on my heaviness as well as my running pal Katie.

I know it’s strange, but I am very self conscious about this “heaviness” and I think it’s one reason why I am so driven to be faster… who cares what I sound like as long as I can run faster! Right?

6. My new kettlebell freaks me out.


It makes me a nervous wreck to be honest. It’s scary to go up in weight or increase the level of difficulty. Just yesterday (Labor Day) Dan and I went to the gym for a workout and I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it.

I gave myself a silent pep talk, asked Dan for some advice, took a deep breath and finally went for it.

I’m sure I stood there looking at that 44lb kettlebell for far too long while I contemplated my strength and abilities before snatching it up.

It’s scary to try new things… trainers aren’t immune to this!

What’s my secret to get past the fear of a new exercise mile stone? I take a deep breath, walk a lap around the weight then just go for it. From the walk, I go straight to the weight without hesitation. It’s the only thing that works for me. The longer I stand thinking about it, the less likely I am to do it.

7. I only watch my own Youtube videos once!


Each week when I put a new show together, I watch it right when it goes live (Dan does the editing) and then I move on.

I don’t like to watch myself on video and because I’m human, I am far too critical of myself.

For example, in the last kettlebell workout, I couldn’t get past how cellulite-y my legs were. The shorts, the angle, the lighting… no bueno.

Makes me shudder. So I just post it here and forget about it.

Now it’s you’re turn…

Tell me a confession!

Whip Six Feed

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