03 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

How To Look Gorgeous After A Workout (Without A Shower) In Less Than 5 Minutes

By admin

If you could choose any time to workout, when would it be?

I mean if you could literally choose any time to workout…

For me, that time is right in the middle of the day. Between 12-3pm. For me, this is the time when I’m fully awake, I have knocked off a lot of my to-do list and I haven’t hit that wall where I could use a nap.

I know I am not alone on this. I can’t tell you how many ladies express their desire for an early afternoon workout, saying it would be so much easier on their schedule to fit a sweat session in during their lunch break. There’s just one little thing stopping them…

That thing called work.

They don’t want to go back into the office a sweaty, stinky, and disheveled mess.

I’m blessed that my line of work allows me to be all of those things, but I won’t lie… sometimes feeling, smelling and looking gross just doesn’t help my productivity level.

I might not be the best girl to take fashion and make-up advice from under normal circumstances (Dan likes to remind me of this all the time), I think I’m pretty much a pro at putting myself together quickly after a workout.

Being at a gym all day, I don’t often get the chance to go home to clean up before meetings, outings or cocktail hours.

Don’t expect me to give tips on how to do a smoky eye or what outfit looks best for a night out on the town… but I do know a thing or two about post-workout beauty.

The 5 Step Guide To Look Pretty After A Workout
{Without A Shower}

… In Less Than 5 Minutes!

1. Do your workout & get sweaty.


Pretty important. To get pretty post workout, you have to actually do a workout and get unpretty. #Noshame. I worked out with my boot camp yesterday morning because I knew I wanted to test my skills for you!

Just in case you don’t have one figured out yet, try this kettlebell workout or this bodyweight one. Both will definitely help you accomplish the sweaty, smelly, disheveled look we’re going for.

2. Get your supplies laid out.


What do you need? Here is what works for me. I keep all of these items in my drawer at my office (at my gym).

  • Brush
  • Dry Shampoo (I use Got2B)
  • Body cleaning wipes
  • Q-Tips (2)
  • Deodorant (Yes, I use Old Spice)
  • Make-up essentials: Mary Kay’s mascara, powder, blush <— seriously that’s all I use
  • Hair tie
3. Take a dry shower.

Use the wipes and dry shampoo to clean off. A little of the dry shampoo goes a long way. Just spray the roots and use your fingers to massage it around.

Flip your hair over to add some body and allow excess product to fall out. Seriously, this stuff can look like baby powder if you go crazy.

The Q-tips can be used to wipe off any mascara that came off under your eyes during the workout.

Finish with some deodorant!

4. Do a quick up-do.


A ponytail will work, but if you want to look a little more put together, I always go with the side braid. It’s half a French Braid, and then just pull the rest back and tie into a low pony tail.

This took me 60 seconds… I probably could have spend about 30 more seconds getting the fly aways under control, but I was timing the whole event.

5. Finish off with a light layer of make-up.


Your face might still be a little flushed, so you don’t want to go overboard here. Go for a light and natural look. Exercise makes your skin glow, so keep that in mind.

Don’t cake it on, less make-up equals minimal work and time.

And voila you are done and ready to go! Of course, you might want to get out of your fitness clothes, but that goes without being said (I hope).

How long did this little makeover take me?


I had a full minute to spare. Ha! I might not look like a model, but I’m not ashamed to be seen in public.


Seriously, there is no reason why you can’t workout during this 1 free time in your day. If it means you get to sleep an extra hour, or spend an extra hour with friends/family after work, then give it a go.

Editor’s Note: To keep this post as raw and honest as possible, I did zero photo editing, took all my picture in my bathroom and used my iPhone instead of the DSLR

What products or tips to you have for putting yourself back together after a workout?

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