08 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Why Having Bad Workouts Are Awesome <– REALLY!

By admin

Happy Monday! How was the weekend? What did you do?

I had a super a productive weekend (see below), and I am jazzed for a great week! I’m sure if I stop for a second I’ll realize how tired I am but for now I am riding high on adrenaline and goals!

When The Adrenaline Runs Out

Unfortunately, the high will leave and I’ll be left physically and mentally tired. Its inevitable.


I’ll likely try to go for a run this afternoon and from the moment my feet hit the pavement, I’ll regret tying up my laces. So guess what? I’m taking a day off.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes a 3 mile run can feel harder than 10 miles? Or a single push-up can feel as if you gained 500 pounds when you’re normally able to pump out dozens?

We all have bad workout days.

It’s just part of the cycle. You have bad days at work, your kids have bad days at school, you have bad days in general, so why wouldn’t you have bad workouts?

It Doesn’t Seem Like Anyone Else Suffers Workout Failure

We live in a time where everyone boasts about their successes via social media.

Instagram friends share their post workout pictures where they are drenched in sweat with a big smile… with the description of how intense and amazing their workout was.


Facebook friends allow their tracking apps to posts their milage from runs, or checks them into the gym/studio for workouts.

It seems like everyone is always doing great. Except for you.

It’s frustrating!

Seeing everyone celebrate how awesome their workouts are makes it harder to take a rest day, or accept a bad workout performance without feeling lazy and like a slob.

But guess what…

ALL of those people have days when their bodies don’t want to perform up the the level of their social media accounts.

But why would they want to share their “bad” workouts?

Bad Workouts Are A Sign You Shouldn’t Ignore

Last week I worked out too hard.

  • Saturday: 8 mile run
  • Sunday: 3.2 mile run
  • Monday: Kettlebell workout (Labor Day)
  • Tuesday: 3 mile run + kettlebell workout + boot camp workout
  • Wednesday: 5 mile run <— slow pace as I was hanging with a friend)
  • Thursday: Boot camp
  • Friday: REST DAY!

Now before you jump down my throat hear me out… yes this is ALOT. However, as a fitness professional, it’s my job to workout and my body is able to handle a bit more exercise and recovers pretty fast.

However, even for me, this was too much.

By Thursday, my body was in zombie mode… just going through the day but not really wanting to accomplish much of anything. My boot camp workout was definitely not my best.

But you know what? It was my wake up call.

It was my wake up call that I was driving my body to near exhaustion. Message received.

Instead of being pissed and feeling pathetic that I couldn’t hold a plank for even 60 seconds, or that my squatting ability was close to nonexistent…

I listened to my body and finished out the workout with subpar performance feeling accomplished and proud.

Because sometimes sucky workouts are awesome.


Reasons Your Workout Sucked

Let’s quickly go over a few of the acceptable reasons why it’s cool to have a bad workout!

  • Your body needs rest (see above!)
  • You’re tired! Physical performance will of course decrease if you’re not sleeping enough!
  • Mental barriers: the brain is a crazy powerful thing. I have a friend that is training for her first half, and is having a hard time getting past 6 miles. It’s not because she can’t physically do it… it’s because it’s the farthest she’s ever run and she doesn’t think she can go farther. Trust me, she can. This is also a big issue when coming back from an injury
  • You’re just not that into it. Sometimes it’s cool to have days where going to workout seems like the worst punishment ever. It’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Just do your thing and set the goal to have a better workout the next time. No biggie. One bad day won’t kill you.
  • You have had really awesome workouts. I know that sounds weird, but you can not have awesome workouts forever… eventually it’s just natural to have a bad on. It’s like a winning streak, eventually the streak will end.

Did you want me to say something about our monthly cycles?

To be honest, I thought I was going to too. However after researching, studies show that there is no relationship between a woman’s period and her physical performance. Bummer. Can’t use it for an excuse any longer.

Why The Bad Workout Is SO Freaking Awesome


It’s easy…

The bad workouts makes you appreciate the good ones.

The good runs, the strong lifting days, the awesome swims… whatever your fitness poison is.

Those bad workouts, put your strengths into perspective and gives you the drive to push harder and do better. It makes you want a do over!

So here’s my challenge… the next time you have a less than stellar workout, share it! Own it and appreciate it. I’ll do the same, so make sure to follow me on Instagram. And feel free to tag me in your poor workout! I would love to see it.

Happy Motivational Monday friends!

Do you get upset when you have a bad workout?

Weekend Recap

Dan was out of town to watch the Clemson game, which means I had full reign of the house. He doesn’t leave often, so I took this as a opportunity to do a few house projects that he would have likely tried to talk me out of.

Case and point…


Painted our laundry room and hot water heater closet doors. Our condo has a few outdated looks, one of them being the old wooden doors. But no more! A fresh (many) layers of paint and they’re good as new. It’s amazing what paint can do for a space! The hall way is so much more bright!

I also started redoing our bathroom. I don’t know why but I woke up on Friday and had the urge to paint it and redecorate.

When the husband is away the wife will play redecorate. Or is that just me? Nothing was safe!

It wasn’t all about the house, I also did a great run in the rain…


And taught a boot camp! Felt great to have so many things crossed off.

Whip Six Feed

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