10 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Kettlebell Back Exercises For Women

By admin

**Before we get started, for some crazy reason comments aren’t showing up below. Dan is working to get it figured out as quickly as possible! I am still getting your comments, so please leave them! I love hearing from you. And once the issue is resolved they will show back up. Thanks!

It’s that time again…

The time when I put on some make-up and stand in front of a camera to show off some of my favorite workouts. Well, except this week we aren’t going to do a workout.

We’re getting more specific today.

You see, today I want to share some of my favorite kettlebell back exercises.

Why? Because the back is often neglected by women. Abs? We love abs! Legs? We LOVE legs! Working our back? Kind of slides down the totem pole.

But we need a strong back, having a strong back, and shoulders helps give an awesome “V” shape and is an easy way to help our waist appear smaller.

Plus, having a strong back helps keep our body balanced…

Strong core without a strong back = Unbalanced.
Strong core without a strong back = Balanced.

Let’s correct the issue. And even if you’re shaking your head and thinking, “Taylor, I do work my back regularly!”

Well then use this as inspiration to perhaps try new exercises, or bring back some moves you haven’t done in a while.

Best Kettlebell Back Exercises For Women

How should you go about doing these? Well, pick just 2-3 of these moves and add them to your next workout. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Let’s quickly cover these moves in a bit more detail.

Renegade Rows


  • A killer back and core workout as you concentrate on balance!
  • Perform a push-up with both hands on a kettlebell handle, as you return to the top, row the weight up to the outside of your chest, elbow moving towards the sky.
  • Concentrate on keeping the core tight and body stable. Also, a wide stance helps!


  • Swings a back move? Yes! To properly execute the move it’s important to keep the shoulders “packed” and pulled back, which means engaging your back! It’s a great total trunk move.
  • Keep your back straight as you push your hips back and forward to drive the swing.
  • Please, don’t do a squat… common misconception. It’s more like a deadlift.
  • Keep the kettlebell below the eye level, no need to go overhead.
Bent Over  “Standard” Rows


  • I also call these lawn mower rows.
  • Make sure to keep the back straight, head in a neutral position as you pull your elbow up.
  • Squeeze at the top to really hit that back!
High Pulls


  • A great move for the shoulders, rhomboids, traps and lats!
  • Start with the classic swing but concentrate on getting the elbow up high as you pull the kettlebell in. The bottom of the kb should be perpendicular to the wall in front of you.
  • To return to the swing, push the weight back out
Upright Rows


One of my favorites!

  • Start with the kettlebell down, holding it with both hands. In one fluid motion, row the weight straight up, bringing the elbows up and out.
  • If done incorrectly, this can but extra strain on the shoulders, so make sure to keep the elbows and shoulders in a straight line (aka don’t allow the elbows to rise past the shoulders.
Quarter Get-Up


I know what you’re thinking…

“Taylor, how is THIS a back exercise?”

Well, just like the swing it is! It really hits the lower back, again working on an overall strong trunk (core).

I found this graphic from Men’s Health which I think shows perfectly where you can expect to feel this move.


  • Make sure to start with your feet wide, and your foot firmly planted on the ground. This is the foot you will push through as you come off the ground.
  • Unlike the full get-up where you’ll come all the way off the ground, for this move, you’ll rise up just to your elbow. Embrace your core and tighten your shoulders (which should be packed from the start) to maintain a straight posture throughout the move.
Weighted Pull-Ups


  • Oh pull-ups… if you can’t do them weighted try starting with my pull-up progression.
  • The major muscle targeted here is your lats but your rhomboids, deltoids and traps are also hit. And if you don’t feel pull-ups in your abs, then you might be doing something wrong!
  • Start by hooking your foot into a kettlebell, grab a bar with an overhand grip and go to town.

I’ve got to work on these more!

What’s your favorite back exercise?

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