25 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Duality Workout: Killer Jump Rope + Strength Workout

By admin

The jump rope, aka the most under rated piece of fitness equipment ever, is making a comeback in this week’s workout.

While people are paying over $ 1000 for a fancy cardio machine, they could be getting in a better workout by spending less than $ 8 (Here’s my rope).

I told Dan a long time ago that if he agreed to let me buy a treadmill, I would cancel my gym membership (gotta have a back-up for rainy days). To which he responded by asking where my jump rope was. Good play my friend, good play.

Jump roping is pretty much the equivalent of sprinting… it burns more than 10 calories in a single minute and works not just your legs but abs, shoulders and arms too.

In fact, to really drive my point home, a study at Arizona State found that 10 minutes of jump roping is equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging in regards to cardiovascular gains.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

But jump roping is so BORING! Am I right?

Well, you’re wrong. There are plenty of ways to make the time fly by and the calories burn off. And I’m about to show you.

The Best Jump Rope Workout You’ve Seen

Am I right? Is that not the best jump rope/kettlebell/body weight workout ever? It’s the fitness trifecta!

While I am challenging you to perform 3 rounds of the workout, if you only have time for 1, that’s cool. Make the workout your own, and make it fit your day. That’s why I decided to give a kettlebell and body weight version, so that there are no excuses.


Okay, let’s quickly explain the moves so ensure you have perfect form and confidence going into the 1st rep.

Jump Rope Exercises

Feet Together Jump

  • This is what I consider “normal” jump roping. Keep the body upright as you hop over the rope as quickly as possible.
High Knees Jump

  • As you jump, bring the knees up as quickly as possible. Having a jump rope appropriate for your height is important here as it’s easier to mess up by hitting your feet/knees.
Butt Kick Jump

  • A lot above, but just kicking your butt with each rotation.
Double Under Combo Jump

  • Complete 10 rounds of: 10 Jumps + 1 Double Under, trying to string them all together.
  • If double unders just aren’t your thing, no worries, complete 125 regular jumps instead.

Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, feet pointed straight.
  • Hold the kettlebell up at your chest while maintaining a straight back, push the hips back, allow the knees to go out a little and lower down into a squat.
  • Go down just until your elbows are at the knees before pushing through the heels to return to stand.
Kettlebell Tricep Push-Ups

    These are so hard for me! Holy triceps, I will be working on these!

  • Place your kettlebell on it’s side, and get into position so that it’s under your chest.
  • Place both hands on the kettlebell, feet together or shoulder width apart. Make sure the arms stay in close to your sides as you lower down into a push-up. Return to start and continue on!
Kettlebell Racked Lunges

  • Clean the kettlebell up, and keep the chest up, shoulders back while stepping back with the same foot to lunge back.
  • Push through the front grounded foot to return to standing, while simultaneously driving the knee up towards the kettlebell.
  • Complete 15 on each side.

Body Weight Exercises

Body Weight Squat

  • Same rules as the kettlebell squat apply here.
  • If you want to make it harder, turn into squat jumps.
Body Weight Tricep Push-Ups

  • Start in push-up position, bring the hands together under your chest and make a triangle with fingers.
  • Keep the elbows in close to sides and push them back as you lower down. Make sure the hands stay under your chest.
Body Weight Lunge Hop

  • Same rules as the kettlebell lunge knee drive apply here, except add a hop to the end of the rep.
  • It helps to use your arms in a running pattern.

It’s a good workout I promise! And remember, it’s up to you how you want to do it. All 3 rounds kettlebell? 2 Rounds kettlebell, 1 body weight? All body weight? Do what works for you!

But before you head out, I have a favor…

If you liked this workout, please share it. I would love see how many ladies we can get to workout together!

How long do you prefer to workout for during a typical workout?

I love it when I have an hour to myself, that I can just dedicate to my workouts. But most days, my workouts are around 30 minutes, but they’re efficient!

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