04 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Spartan 300 Workout Challenge

By admin

I hope your weekend is off to a fabulous start. Right now, chances are high that I am out running my longest run yet. More on that next week, that is, if I make it back safe. Ha.

I wanted to share a workout with you, my gorgeous friends, on this absolutely gorgeous weekend.

This is a workout that I can’t take credit for, that honor goes to Mens Health. I first did it years ago (in 2007!), it was actually one of my first metabolic circuit style workouts ever, and boy did it kick my butt.

Remember the movie, 300?

Yea, well, it was one of our favorites and like everyone else, Dan and I were in awe of the actors’ bodies and training. We wanted to know how they did it and see if we could do it too.

That’s when we found the 300 workout I’m getting ready to share with you. With the Spartan Race just weeks away, it’s time to start training like a Spartan again!

Fine, at least pretend.

So I dug out my old favorite workout on Wednesday and went to town. Trying to see how I had improved (from my memory) of the first time I did it.

I knocked it out in less than 30 minutes, with sweat pouring, dripping down my body and my muscles begging for a break.

It was awesome.

So what is this workout you ask?

I’m writing it as I did it, since at my studio. I don’t have barbells to do it the way they prescribed. But you can see the original 300 Workout here.

The Spartan(ish) 300 Workout


Weights Used:

  • Deadlift – 22kg kettlebell
  • Box Jumps 24-inches high
  • Leg raises – double kettlebell hold 16kg
  • Clean & Press – 25/side with 16kg

Those leg raises were no joke! My heart pounded harder with them than the box jumps.


You know I don’t often workout in just a sports bra, but I was at the studio by myself, and it was hot. Plus, I didn’t have another shirt to change into for my classes. So I just went with it. #NoRegrets

I loved pulling this out of the workout archives because it was a fun way to see how I’ve progressed over the years.

I can remember doing this workout and thinking, “OMG, I am going to die.” Everything was just so ridiculously hard.

I’m not saying that it wasn’t hard this time around, but it was different.

After huffing and puffing through each exercise, I was excited for the next one. I was ready for it. And to be honest, the 24-in box jumps, seemed so much more doable.

If you’re looking for a good all over body burn, try this out!

No excuse me as I go lace up my running shoes! Have a wonderful weekend.

Do you go back and do older workouts?

Whip Six Feed

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