06 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Spooktacular Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

By admin

It’s October! Well, I know I am a little behind on my confessions but that’s only because I wanted to make them extra special this month.

October is my 2nd favorite month (behind December). I love the cooler temps, the crispness of the mornings and of course Halloween. Over the years, Halloween has become bigger and bigger in my house and this year Dan and I are giddy talking about scary movies and books we plan on reading.

It’s a tradition to watch at least 1 scary movie each week of October. And this year, we’re adding to the tradition by having a family book club centered around a scary book Dan picked out. I can’t wait to start!

So you’re wondering, what does this have to do with Trainer Confessions?

Good question. I wanted to make spooktacular confessions. Perfect for October!

Without further ado…

10 Spooktacular Confessions Of A Personal Trainer


1. I’ve been followed while running.

I don’t know why haven’t shared this story with you. Earlier this year, I was on a run before teaching a boot camp. The trails were pretty baron and for some reason I grabbed my head phones with the built-in phone (which I never run with).

I was in my own happy world, when I saw an older man on a bike up ahead. I made a mental note of his slow speed but kept trucking along. He slowed down even more, made a turn and I ran past. About 2 minutes later I looked back to have him behind me about 50 feet. It freaked the sh$ t out of me!

I called Dan to tell him the situation to which he replied with “what can I do, I’m 30 minutes away!?” I just wanted someone on the phone with me. I changed course, and he turned off. About 20 minutes later, he found me again. Freaked? YES! I was panicking and all by my lonesome. I called Ashton who talked to me while I basically sprinted. Luckily I wasn’t far from my car and made it back safely.

I didn’t run that trail for months. And even now, don’t run it early in the mornings. Ladies, carry pepper spray!

2. I don’t carry pepper spray.


But I do carry Cliff blocks!

I know, I know. You would think I learned my lesson. And I kind of did.

I don’t carry pepper spray but I also don’t run by myself early in the mornings or on secluded trails.

If I run solo, I wait until other runners and walkers are out and about. Around 7:15ish. And I ALWAYS let Dan know where I am running. If I change the route up, I text him to keep him in the know. And, I now run with my phone. I used to run with just my iPod shuffle.

Now, I would rather run with the extra weight and be safe.

Oh I should have said in #1, running with my phone was a last minute decision too. For some reason I decided to listen to my playlist rather than my shuffle. Luck was on my side that morning!

3. I showed my lady parts off at the gym.

This is a scary one, gives me chills just thinking about it. And I mean for the other guy, not me.

Years ago, Dan and I were working out. We were taking turns doing step-ups when he mentioned that I had a hole in my capris. He was nonchalant about it, so I assumed it was along the side of the leg or something.

I continued what I was doing. About 5 minutes later, I went to stretch by touching my toes, looked down and to my surprise, there was a hole at my crotch.

I was mortified. And of course there was another guy in the gym right behind me. He got quite the show that morning.

And no, I didn’t have panties on.

4. I have video fright.


You know how some people have stage fright?

Yea, that’s not me. I can talk to a room full of people and be very comfortable. I love being in front of people.

But, put me in an empty room with just a video camera and Dan… no bueno. I freeze up, my heart skips a beat, I fumble with my words and I get really agitated.

Oh and yes, that’s right, I make videos every week. Ha. If you only saw what goes on behind the camera when making those weekly shows.

You would think that after years of having to do it, I would feel better and more confident? Nope. The only thing that has improved is my ability to take a deep breath and LOOK more relaxed. Inside I am a big mess.

Yup, so my big confession… I don’t like making videos.

5. I’m in the middle of a 21-day challenge


Did I just freak you out? Surprised?

I know, I don’t typically do things like this but I needed something to finally get the ball rolling and help me to cut down on sweets and alcohol. I wasn’t overdoing it by any means but I was finding myself making sweet treats every week and drinking more glasses of wine that I should (hello football season).

To help, I recruited my friend Ashton to join me on a 21 day challenge that we designed together. What I love is that we made rules that fit us and our goals. And even made consequences should we break the rules.

  • 4-liters of water daily OR 100 kettlebell swings
  • No alcohol M-Th and only 2 drinks on the weekend OR 100 burpees
  • No sugar (stevia and honey allowed) OR 15 pull-ups
  • No gluten OR 50 weighted squats

I love this challenge but it makes me think about my choices… is having an extra glass of wine worth 100 burpees? So far, it hasn’t. Accountability!

I have had to do kettlebells swings twice (so far).

6. I’ve eaten an entire bag of candy corn

In one sitting.

Gross, right?

My college roommate and I would each grab a bag of candy corn or those candy pumpkins and sit eating the entire thing. I am pretty sure we did it every year for four years.

After the bag was gone, we would refuse to touch a candy corn until the following year. I can remember my head spinning as if it was possessed by the sugar demon.

What is is about candy corn that can put you into a sugar coma faster and more severely than any other candy?

7. I won’t be training Halloween

Natasha might…

This outfit also included fishnet stockings and hot pants. It was pretty awesome. And yes, Natasha had an awesome foreign accent.

Richard Simmons might…


Olivia Newton John might…


But me?

Nope, I’ll be drinking Halloween themed cocktails and watching scary movies. Oh, and eating candy corn…

The challenge will be over and dang it, I need at least 1 handful of candy corn!

Who/What should I dress up like this year?

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