08 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

A Letter From A Woman To Her Cellulite

By admin

Dearest Cellulite,

Will you ever go away?

For the past decade, I have done nothing but cringe at the thought of you.

Every workout I’ve done, I’ve done with the hope that it will demolish you. That it would cause you to fade away into the darkness, never to surface again.

I can’t tell you how many times I have sat down, performed a thigh check and shifted my position uncomfortably in hopes that it would make you less apparent.

You have been a dirty little secret that I’ve worked 10 years to try and hide. You were an embarrassment, the black sheep in the room that I prayed would go away.

Yet, no matter how much water I drink, how many squats I perform, potions I massage on, you’re still there.

Sometimes you seem barely visible, other times more prevalent as if you’ just want to taunt me and remind me of my imperfections.

And while I know that this letter may sound more like a roast than a love note… it’s the latter.

Because like all things in life, to really move on and be happy, I have to accept you. I can no longer hate you because by hating you is hating myself.

You are a part of me, and for that, I love you.

I don’t always like you, but then again, I don’t always like me (or the decisions I make). But love? Yes, love is always there.

So cellulite, it’s with unclenched fist and a smile on my face, that I forgive you. I know now that the torment you caused, wasn’t you at all.

It really wasn’t you, it was me.

Thank you,

Expecting The Impossible

What brought on this feeling of nostalgia over my lumpy legs and ass?

A picture actually.


A few weeks ago, Dan snapped some pictures of me and when I saw them I wanted to throw up. No, really. I was disgusted and ashamed.

I work out hard, I eat healthy and yet my body doesn’t look like the women…

In the magazines.

UGH! Why? Why do we do this? Why do we compare ourselves to perfection. False perfection at that.

No matter how much I preach about the way the unrealistic female image is thrown in front of us, the truth is I fall victim to the desire to look like those perfect women too.

I know they’re fake. I know that if I was watching the pictures being taken, I would see cellulite, freckles, and even stretch marks.

But, we only see the final outcome, the perfect airbrushed skin; the smooth; toned muscles and the flawless beauty. Our mind, my mind, plays cruel tricks on me, always making me question my ability to look like perfection.

But perfection doesn’t happen…

I’m Perfectly Imperfect


And I’m okay with that!

Considering that over 90% of women have cellulite, I guess you can say that I am perfect. I fit right in with my friends and colleagues.

Dan likes to call me a “real woman trainer” because I live the life of a real woman. I have the body of a real woman and I don’t make my clients feel inferior by showing off my awesome 6-pack or 12% body fat… neither of which I have.

What I do have is this…

  • I have cellulite
  • I have stretch marks
  • I have toned muscles
  • I have a healthy appetite for balancing clean, all-natural foods with craving foods like wine and ice cream
  • I have a body that reflects a fitness lifestyle
  • I have a body that is strong enough to squat with a 32 kg (70 lb) kettlebell and one that is able to turn around and run 20 miles (can’t wait to share that story!).

I have a perfect body. I have an imperfect body. I guess you can say I’m perfectly imperfect.

Accepting Isn’t The Same As Staying The Same


Yes, my body is perfectly imperfect. I’m happy with it. I feel good, strong and confident.

But does that mean I don’t want to improve?

Of course not.

Just because I accept and love my body for what it is at this moment, doesn’t mean that I won’t try and continue to get better. That’s what life is all about. The moment I get stagnant and “settle” is the moment when I should get out of the fitness world.

I want to be the best my body is capable of being. If that means cellulite will still be hanging around, that’s fine.

But I’ll be stronger, faster, healthier, and just as much in love with myself and my body that I am today.

And since it was cellulite that brought me to this moment of mental clarity, let’s finish off with a few cellulite facts. Shall we?

Cellulite Facts & Remedies

  • Over 90% of women have cellulite. We just need to talk about it more and not keep it in as an embarrassing secret. If we were more open, perhaps we wouldn’t feel so ashamed. Your bff, yes she has it. Your boss, she does too. Your kids’ teachers… yup. Welcome to the club.
  • Cellulite isn’t “normal” fat. It’s fat cells that get stuck within the connective tissues directly under the skin. This is why, weight loss very rarely gets rid of ALL cellulite. And why even the thinnest of ladies have it.
  • Home Remedies: Massage really can help! Since it’s fat trapped in “nets” of connective tissue, massage really can help to decrease the appearance. So can staying hydrated, losing weight, and toning the muscles. Clean eating is perhaps the #1 home remedy to help with inflammation and overall appearance.

For fun, PLEASE ANSWER the following so we can come together and feel perfectly imperfect together. So we can realize that it’s not something to be ashamed of!:

Do you have cellulite?

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