20 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The 4-Course Kettlebell Pre Thanksgiving Workout Challenge

By admin

Next week will be a week of overindulgences for most of us. Yes?

Thanksgiving in the states means we will wake up and not only stuff a turkey, but ourselves.

The average American will consume roughly 4,500 calories on Thursday alone.

That’s insane!

It’s over 2 days worth for most of us. I don’t think I eat 4500 calories, but I know I will be eating more than usual.

There’s no shame in that. Enjoy the meal, enjoy the family and forget about all the calorie worry.

What I personally do worry about are the days before and the days directly following the holiday. Dan and I will be with our family enjoying a week long vacation with my in-laws and SIL. Mimosas will likely be poured in the mornings and wine served from happy hour on into the night.

One day is easy to make up for, 7 days of gluttony is a bit harder.

So I’m prepping today.

After taking 5 days to rest, I’m ready for a good tough workout. Now, don’t you worry… I’m not going to be hitting the pavement to log miles in. Instead, I’m going to hit up this workout.

4-Course Kettlebell Pre Thanksgiving Calorie Burner

Yup, like a 4 course holiday meal, this workout is broken up into a 4-course workout. Appetizer, salad, main course, and finish with dessert.


It’s going to take a bit of time, which is why I recommend trying to rock this workout on a day you have more time (like an hour) to dedicate.

If kettlebells aren’t your thing, check out my Weekend Warrior Workout for a close match!

A quick point to make for this workout… because it is fast, intense and tough, the moves are being kept very basic.The last thing I would want is for you to get fatigued and not be able to keep proper form, leading to any sort of injury. It’s all about smart training! Tough doesn’t mean stupid.

Let’s take a look at the moves

10 Racked Squats (5/Side)

10 Swings

5 Push-Ups

10 Ground To Overhead


10 Lunges/Leg

10 Snatches/Arm

5 Squat Thrusters

5 Rows/Arm

10 Burpees

10 Alternating Swings

10 Presses (5/Arm)

10 Jumping Jacks

Give it a try and please don’t hesitate to ask questions down below! Also, if you like the workout please share it via the buttons on the side!

What’s your favorite food at Thanksgiving?

I LOVE sweet potato casserole. But does wine count? I might like that a bit more!

Whip Six Feed

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