26 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Burn Off The Cocktails Workout

By admin

I’ve been busy soaking up some quality time with family. It’s been wonderful! Good company, food and of course cocktails.


Luckily, we’re a fitness loving family so it hasn’t been a week of putting our butts on the couch and not moving.


My SIL asked me Monday to take her to the gym for a workout… well, okay then!

Her only request was that she didn’t want to be so sore she couldn’t move for the remainder of our trip. While normally, I don’t make any promises to this one, I took her request to heart helping her to choose weights I knew would push her yet not leave her cringing at the idea of sitting on the toilet.

I thought I would quickly pop in today and share the workout we did before enjoying a family breakfast of egg sandwiches, fruit and coffee.

If you like the idea of holding your breathe each time you sit, then just up the weight to make it more challenge. Below I’ll note what weight I used followed by the weight she used. Good deal?

Burn Off The Cocktails Workout


After we were done, we grabbed the family and completed an 11 mile bike ride (half on the beach) before the rain clouds found their way to us.

I am sorry to keep the posts this week short, but I am trying to soak up as much quality time with my in-laws as possible. Love you all!

Tell me something exciting about this week!

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