02 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Gift Guide For Kettlebell Lovers (or Wannabe)

By admin

I’ve seen some great gift lists floating around lately and thought it was time to share mine. After all, Thanksgiving has passed so I am free to talk about the holidays as much as I want.

My gift list is a bit different though… it’s not just for any fitness lover.

It’s for those of you that might be interested in kettlebells, or those of you that already love kettlebells but aren’t quite satisfied with your collection.

Have I convinced you over the past 12 months to perhaps try kettlebells? And if I have, then you’ll appreciate this list! At least I hope.

Below you’ll find my top recommendations for anyone looking to get a bit more familiar with my favorite type of fitness training.

Ultimate Kettlebell Wish List

*All of the below recommendations are items that I have purchased personally. None of them have been given to me nor have I received compensation. I really love everything you’ll find below.


You wouldn’t buy a pair of running shoes based solely off the price right? No, because not all running shoes are the same. You have to find the ones/the brand that works best for you.

Same goes with all other types of fitness equipment. Kettlebells included.

I’ve tried several brands, shapes and sizes over the past two years and I have yet to find one that I like as much as the Rogue kettlebells.

These are what we chose for our gym and for our personal use at home. Sturdy, the perfect handle thickness, and believe it or not the color coding really helps move a workout a long.

The price isn’t bad either, in fact they’re the best prices Dan and I have found so far.

Kettlebell Newbies: Not sure what weight to ask for? Generally the 8-Kg and the 12-Kg kettlebells are perfect for beginners. And yes, I recommend having both as some moves you will feel great with the heavier option and other moves you’ll definitely want to master with the smaller weight before going up.


I have mentioned these several times on LR. I am in love with my wrist guards since doing moves like strict presses and snatches can leave some really nice bruises.

They have also helped to increase my confidence, for some reason I feel like a badass when my wrist guards are on.

They actually serve two purposes:

  1. Protect the wrist from bruises.
  2. Keeps sweat from dripping onto the handles leaving them slippery.
Kettlebell Newbies: If you decide to use guards, make sure that you are able to do the moves 100% correctly as the guards can make it easy to “get by” with relaxed form.

Most people (me included) thought that this was an unnecessary add-in when we ordered our first kettlebells. Then I realized I was wrong.

When you’re swinging a kettlebells, your hands are sweating, and your grip is beginning to loosen up… that chalk goes from a perk to lifesaver.

Plus, it’s cheap and will last you forever.


When I teach kettlebells, my clients workout in nothing but their socks. Why? Because I want them to be able to have a planted, balanced stance without added height (angles) from a running shoe (most people’s workout shoes).

But I understand a lot of people can’t workout barefoot, so for you, I recommend this shoe, or something similar.

I can’t say enough awesome things about the fit, the comfort and the overall feel of the shoe while working out. I’ve also heard great things about Reebok Nanos but for me, I love my Nikes too much to try.


I might now where the Nanos, but I LOVE their leggings. Kettlebells include a lot of bending at the hips (hip thrusts) which can often lead to plumbers butt by the end of a workout.

It’s also beneficial to wear tight clothes so that they don’t get in the way when doing swings, snatches and cleans. Dan often complains about his pants getting in the way. Luckily, I don’t have that problem.

All of my Reebok leggings have proven to be great for workouts, no issues of droopy drawers!


After a tough workout, you’re going to be sore. Soaking in a warm tub filled with epsom salt will help promote muscle recovery and let’s face it… we all love a relaxing bath.

We don’t have a tub at our condo, but I can not wait for the day when we have a home and my dream tub… a claw tub. This will be poured in each night!

Tell me one thing you want for Christmas!

*Several of the links are affiliate links that I share simply because I love the products and use them myself.

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