08 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Why Is Salmon Pink? {SizzleFish Podcast}

By admin

Have you ever wondered why salmon has that distinct pink color while all other fish tend to be pearly white?


I have.

I’ve also wondered what makes fish such a super food and how much are we actually allowed to eat each week?

Being from a coastal city, I grew up eating the freshest seafood possible. In fact, you know how I have zero patience? Well, I happen to love fishing and can spend hours simply holding a rod and waiting for that little nudge letting me know there is something on the other side of my line.

Fresh fish? I adore it. It reminds me of my childhood and fishing trips with my dad.


Over the years, my time spent fishing has practically disappeared but I haven’t given up my favorite source of lean protein. I just have to buy it now a days. And I’m picky.

I don’t want crap fish. I want good quality, as if I caught it myself, kind of fish. And I want a lot of it because I know it’s good for us.

In 1992, Harvard released this study yielding evidence that a diet high in fatty acids can increase longevity by 2.22 years. Every year we can add on is an extra year with those we love, right?

That’s how I became familiar with SizzleFish… well through my love of high quality food and my friend/blogger Lindsay who works with the company (and has been on the podcast too).

Dan and I have been using SizzleFish for months now and after realizing just how much I loved it, I wanted to go deeper.

I wanted to find out more. So, Lindsay hooked me up with Rob, the owner, to discuss all things fish.

I am sharing that convo with you today. Why? Because you (we) need to know how beneficial it is for our bodies, recovery, and overall health.


And we NEED to clear up a few things too.

(If you’re curious, that’s haddock that we took with us on a recent hiking trip. Sprinkled with pepper flakes, a little Old Bay, and grilled.)

The Truth About Fish And Our Bodies

Just a few highlights from our conversation:

  • What’s the difference between getting Omegas through real food versus taking a supplement such as fish oil or flaxseed oil?
  • Aside from heart and brain health (which we’ve all heard), what are some benefits of eating fish on a regular basis?
  • How much fish is okay to eat per week? Should it be limited to just a single serving due to mercury and other water contaminants? What about serving sizes?
  • Fish Farming: is it the equivalent to poor cattle processing centers? Necessary? <— Really interesting! And I am not ashamed to say I love farm raised salmon.
  • What fish has the highest levels of Omega-3s? It just happens to be the fish I buy for Dan because it has a few more calories than most others.
  • What about people that don’t like fish? How can they find something they might like. Is all fish the same?
  • Why is salmon pink? I’ve always wondered this and now I know! Want a hint? Do you know why flamingos are pink?

Of course this is only a little bit of what we covered. To find out the answers to the topics above and to learn more about fish health make sure to listen in to the podcast. Deal?

Speaking of podcasts…

I know it’s been a while since I shared a podcast. For that I am sorry, life has been busy but that’s just an excuse. I hate excuses.

I would however LOVE to hear from you… what kind of topics would you like to HEAR covered? Any topic under the sun! I would really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks Friend.



I can’t hit that publish button until I say a quick thank you to Rob for being on the show today.

Seriously, I have been a PAYING customer of the company for some time now and can agree that the fish is amazing. It’s become our weekly quick meal. It’s easy to thaw, fast to cook, and delicious to eat.

Just check them out.

Whip Six Feed

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