11 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Step-By-Step Guide To Eating During The Holidays

By admin

I’ve seen them, you’ve seen them… we’ve all seen them.

The articles, blog posts and even news reports sharing each person’s two cents on how to survive the holidays when it comes to parties, alcohol, and food.

And now, I’m giving mine.


I found this little gem the other day. Our very first holiday picture together in 2005.

It’s these articles that bring the situation to our attention in the first place.

Check out what happened when I googled “lose weight during holidays“:


Crazy, right?

I can’t help but wonder if the topic was never discussed would we stress out about it in the first place?

Would we fear holiday weight gain, or because it wasn’t something we had to see every single day, we wouldn’t worry about it and naturally practice moderation, intuitive eating, and (gasp) NO WEIGHT GAIN.

It’s much like a child being told not to touch something. Put a shiny something in front of a kid and tell them they’re to allowed to touch it. What happens? They can’t think of anything else but wanting to touch it.


I remember a study (and I’m trying to find it) that found that when people are told not to eat something, they end up indulging in more than when told to enjoy as much as they would like.

So… if you’re told to eat just 1 cookie at a party. Or to eat a small meal before going out with friends to avoid binging… does it work?

In my experience, not at all.

I refuse to eat just 1 cookie and heck with eating before going out… that’s the point of going out. To eat and enjoy the food and company of friends. If I follow the tips, I just over do it, and chances are you might to.

Remember, the Holidays are just 1x per year and if you practice smart decisions more often than not during the week… you’ll be just fine.

So in response to the question:

How To Eat During The Holidays


Let’s break this down, step by step.

  1. Grab a spoon, fork, or your fingers (if appropriate)
  2. Scoop up a bite of food.
  3. Lift the food up to your month.
  4. Place the food on your tongue and chew until thoroughly chewed.
  5. Swollow (you might need some water/wine/cocktail) to help.
  6. Repeat.

And there you have it. You’re eating during the holidays just as you should be.

I think when we all stop obsessing, stressing and reading about food/weight/holidays that we will all have a much more natural and healthier approach.

Don’t Misconstrue My Thoughts

Just to clarify… I’m not saying to eat anything, anytime, anywhere and as much as possible. Of course this is terrible advice. What I am saying is just eat naturally.

Listen to your body, enjoy the parties and forget all of the “Tips To Eat During The Holidays” articles.

Stress… what does it do?

It causes us to be stupid with food. At least for me.

And stressing about food? That’s no fun at all. So I won’t. And I hope you won’t either.

Wow, I’m quite sure that this is the shortest post I’ve ever written… but sometimes, just sometimes (don’t get used to it)…

You have to pull a Forrest Gump and say, “That’s all I have to say ‘bout that.”

I will end by sharing just a few of my favorite holiday recipes. And yes, they are “healthified” because even though I eat what I want, I prefer healthier, more nutrient rich foods over sugar laden crap.

Sweet Treats During The Holidays

You know… cookie + muffin = cuffin. Pure deliciousness.





Do you stress out during the holidays?

PS- Don’t forget to do Day 2 of the 12 Days Of Kettlebells Challenge for today!

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