23 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

12 Days Of Christmas With The In-Laws Workout (Real Time Video)

By admin

Happy week of Christmas!

At this very moment, there is a good chance I am in the car bothering Dan by singing loudly to the radio while we drive up 1-26 headed to Pickens for our Christmas vacation.

I may have even put together a rather kick-ass Christmas playlist just for the occasion.

I hope you’re as excited about this festive week as I am.

Yesterday really kicked it off when my mom, SIL, niece, and I had our annual Christmas lunch downtown.

I love this tradition which my mom and I started about two decades ago. It’s was a bit bitter sweet since my grandmother wasn’t with us this year. But I am sure she was looking down on us.

We also gave Lainey (my niece) her Christmas present which was a Clemson cheerleading outfit. OMG, she was adorable. I was blown away at how much she loved it and demanded to try it on right then and there. From that point, she just ran around the house yelling “GO TEAM GO” and shaking her fists in the sky.

She’s the cutest.


Let’s talk some fitness, what do you say?

So, I am doing something I have never done before here on the blog. I wanted to give a little bit more than normal since it’s such a wonderful week.

So instead of just a workout graphic and a few gifs (which are still included), I am sharing a full workout from FitWomensWeekly.

Fit Womens Weekly is my online training studio, and every week I give a full, real time workout filled with warm-up, modifications, and a cool-down. It’s fun, and I feel pretty blessed to be able to do it.

Well, this week I am sharing a full workout… this workout. I never post the workouts from FWW here on the blog, but it’s Christmas and I love you.

Yes, I’m a sap.

So here’s how this works…

12 Days Of Christmas With The In-Laws

I’m blessed that I love my in-laws but I know plenty of people that don’t and this time can lead to some stress and extra heart beats.

So we’re adding them to the workout.

12 Days Of Christmas With The In-Laws

You’ll set a timer for 5 minutes at the start of the workout. Carry on with the 12 Days Of Christmas, but when that buzzer goes off you’ll stop where you are and complete the In-Laws Cardio Blast.

Fun, right?

Okay… let’s do this!

Here’s a tracking sheet too to help.

Let’s Go Over The Moves

Let’s quickly high light the moves.

Super Burpee


Donkey Kicks


Ab Killers


Close Grip Push-Ups


Lemon Squeezes


Lizard Push-ups (wide)


Squat Pulse Squats






Wounded Soldiers


Reverse Lunges


Star Crunches

What’s you’re favorite holiday tradition?

Whip Six Feed

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