24 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

HoHoHoly Sugar Cookie Recipe: Dairy Free & Gluten Free

By admin

Merry Christmas Eve!

I hope you’ve having a wonderful, amazing day!

I know most of you have probably already made cookies for Santa, but just in case you haven’t and now you’re rushing about trying to get it all together, I’ve got THE RECIPE for you.


They are simple, delicious, and Santa will thank you for these semi-clean cookies after having already stuffed himself with thousands of traditional sugar loaded ones.

I’m not saying these don’t have sugar in them. They do. I promise I tried.

Poor Dan had to endure multiple nights of cookie recipe tastings. Many of which were just bad. In fact, I threw away 2 entire batches of cookies because they were awful.

Win some, you lose some. But I refused to give up.

Mostly because sugar cookies are my husband’s favorite and I am trying to have as many of our Christmas favorites as possible this year since we’re away from family. Keeping traditions going while being untraditional!

HoHoHoly Sugar Cookie Recipe

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3/4 Cp Coconut Oil
3/4 Cp Coconut Sugar (or any kind)
4 Egg Whites
1 Tsp Vanilla
2 1/2 Cp Gluten-Free Baking Flour (can use regular flour)
1 Tsp Baking Powder
Sprinkle Of SaltPeanut Butter Icing:

3 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Powdered Sugar
1/4 Tsp Almond Milk

Sugar Icing:

1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1-2 Tbsp Almond Milk
1 Tsp Maple Syrup
1/2 Tsp Vanilla


1. Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Combine all wet ingredients for cookies and mix well. Combine all dry ingredients and slowly add to wet mixture.

2. Roll out with a well floured rolling pin or use a spoon to scoop 1 tbsp balls onto a cookie sheet.

3. Bake for 6-8 minutes, until slightly golden. Remove and all to cool.

4. While cooling, mix together ingredients for icing. Decorate as you see fit!

Happy holidays friends! Excuse me while I go eat a cookie while dipping it into my hot chocolate. Yum!

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What’s your favorite cookie? To dip or not to dip?

I LOVE dipping chocolate chip cookies in either coffee or milk. Better yet, when I was a kid, I would put a cookie into my milk and fish it out with a spoon. OMG, it’s good!

Whip Six Feed

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