29 January 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Snatch It Up Kettlebell Workout {RKC Training}

By admin

Hello, hello. Thanks for dropping in on this chilly Thursday!

And thank you for all the get-well messages. Unfortunately I’m not feeling all that much better and my voice is completely gone.

Anyone else get laryngitis whenever they get sick? Happens every time to me.

It took some convincing, but Dan has me on strict bed rest when I’m not working at the gym. Which doesn’t mean the same to us both. To me, bed rest means laying in bed with my computer to get work done… to Dan it means sleeping to allow your body to do nothing but focus on itself and recovery.

Our compromise? I work for 30 minutes, take a nap… and repeat.

I’m tired of being sick and talking about it, so let’s move on to the fun stuff!

I mentioned that I had a fun kettlebell workout for you! So let’s get to it, what do you say?

Snatch It Up Kettlebell Workout

Here’s some exciting news:

In May I am heading to Pennsylvania to get RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certified) certified. While I love my Kettlebell Athletics certification, I have had the goal to get RKC certified from the get go. I’m pumped and nervous.

RKC is no joke, I have to pass a physical test to pass… and not just any test, I have to be able to perform 100 snatches in 5 minutes!

Insane, right?

I did a dry run on Monday before feeling blah and did 100 snatches in 5.02 minutes. Those 2 seconds really pissed me off, but I’ve got time.

And since I just broke down the snatch a few weeks ago, I thought it was time we all practiced a bit more.

Kettlebell workout focusing on snatches to improve both form and endurance.

For a larger graphic, click the image above!

Tips Before You Get Started

If you’re a complete beginner, it’s okay to drop the reps down each minute by 3-5. You want to end up with about 20 seconds of rest after your first round. So if you don’t, either drop the weight a bit of lower your goal reps.

This is only for the first round! As you get tired, your rest will become shorter since you’ll take longer to complete the round. Don’t cut the reps, but you might need to lower the kettlebell weight if your form begins to suffer or you can not finish the round.

Let’s quickly cover the moves!


*If you need help with your snatch, I suggest checking out this post where we break it down step by step.

Goblet Squat

Racked Lunges


What’s something exciting you have planned already for this year?

Like this workout? Please share it so others can try it out too!

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