11 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

30 Day Paleo Update: The Best Blogs For Delicious #Paleo Recipes

By admin

I’m still going strong on my paleo challenge.

It’s been 1.5 weeks and so far, I’m loving it.

I’m not going to say it hasn’t been a challenge… there is nothing like going to dinner with your husband and watching him devour a basket of foccaccia bread while simultaneously letting out “wows” and “yums”.


But aside from that, it’s actually been fun. Yes, fun to come up with new dinner breakfasts ideas. Lunch has never been a problem, pretty much either a smoothie or a salad. I guess I’ve been 1/3 paleo this whole time?


Yesterday’s breakfast was epic: sautéed brussel sprouts, bell peppers, mushrooms and left over sirloin toped with 2 eggs. After the veggies were cooked, I added the steak and then cracked the eggs right on top of everything in the frying pan. I added 1 tsp of water to create steam, added lid and voila! 5 minutes later this slid onto my plate. Topped with avocado and hot sauce, of course!

Where Do I Get Healthy, Paleo Recipes From?


I’ve received several questions regarding where I get my recipes from. And while most of the time I never follow a set recipe, I have been leaning on others for ideas and guidance.

Though the recipe above, was totally 100% created while I was cooking!

I thought it would be a great idea to share those sites that have lent a hand in helping me make it through these past days without my husband complaining. In fact, he’s been very impressed with our dinners which is a plus since he is not on board with the paleo experiment.

And let me tell you, if you’re not a paleo fan, still check out these sites. You might be inspired to make something not because of it’s label but because it is freaking tasty! Yes?

So that’s the plan, but before I get there here’s an update on what’s been going on with my body:

How I Feel After 1.5 Weeks On Paleo

  • I’m full all the time! The high fat and high protein that I am taking in is doing a fabulous job of tying me over from meal to meal. There are days where I don’t have a craving for a mid afternoon snack and feel very content just having breakfast, lunch and dinner. <— That’s almost unheard of for me.
  • I’m not craving sweets. I did buy a bag Lilly’s Chocolate Chips. They are dairy free, gluten free, stevia sweetened, and 70% dark chocolate… they’re awesome. I have been enjoying a handful after dinner. With only 55 calories, it’s a pretty rad find.
  • I feel stronger. Workouts these past two weeks have been awesome. I’m not sure if I can contribute it to the paleo diet, but I do feel as if my muscles are responding well to workouts lately.
  • My pee smells. TMI but hey, just being honest. My morning pee has quite the unique smell. It’s been better for the past 2 days but there were a few times where it would slap you in the face like asparagus.
  • I know you’re wondering, what about weight? I haven’t weighed myself yet. I’ll be doing that at the half way point, so next week. I’ll also take a picture at the end to compare the before and after!

Best Paleo Recipe Sites

Favorite Paleo Blogs

When I first agreed to this challenge, the very first step I took was to create a Pinterest board. I don’t know how we ever lived without Pinterest. I don’t use it often but when there is something specific, it’s so helpful!

Do you follow me?

Anyways, it was with Pinterest that I was introduced to some of the best Paleo Blogs around! Hopefully, after looking around you will agree.

All gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo friendly recipes that have been captured with Lexi’s photography talent.

I have found myself drooling over most of her meals and it was Lexi that inspired my sweet potato taco salad from her loaded nacho recipe!


I have gotten more from paleOMG than just recipe inspiration. Juli delivers great workouts, fashion finds, and of course food. And all of her recipes are pretty basic, if you can boil water, you can make this stuff!

Pistachio milk? I’m making this later this week!


When I made the cupcakes below a few weeks ago for a friends birthday, it was these Pumpkin Spice Iced Chocolate Cupcakes that I found my base recipe.


I’m serious, you would never have known these were “special” cupcakes. As for the icings, I did come up with those (recipes coming soon).

I love this blog because not only are the recipes delicious (at least they look delicious), but it’s run by a guy. Mike is an awesome triathlete and foodie. I feel like so many blogs are run by women (uh hum) that it’s refreshing to see men writing out recipes. I love it.

His meatball recipe served as inspiration for delicious meatballs I made this weekend, but instead of a an aoli sauce (below), I made a rosemary cashew sauce that was to die for!

I also stuck to my own meatball recipe but it was awesome to have something different than spaghetti sauce on top!


Maybe you’ve heard of this one? Mark was one of the first pioneers in Paleo (or paleo-like) nutrition. To be honest, I try to stay away from the “Big Dogs” but I can’t help that he has some awesome recipes.

This bacon, egg and avocado salad is to die for! So good on a piece of paleo bread! Though I subbed chicken sausage for bacon. I know, we’re weird. We never have bacon in the house.


Another example of lots of great meals that are extremely easy to make!

Of course I couldn’t not include Melissa after she helped so much at the start of this challenge. Her recipes, books, and tips are extremely helpful at putting everything into perspective.

And seriously, have you tried the Chocolate Chili yet?

Paleo Chocolate Chili

I’m pretty sure that between the sites above, you can have enough recipe inspiration for months. But because I love you more than just giving the pair minimum, here are a few others to check out. They may not all be “Paleo” exclusive but they definitely can help move in that direction!

Real fast… though I’ve only been experimenting 100% with paleo for almost 2 weeks, I’ve been incorporating lots of the above sites’ meals into our home for months because it’s all whole food nutrition! Forget the label and look for foods that look good for you and your family!

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