02 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Naked Truth: Why Is Happiness Embarrassing?

By admin

It’s that time again. You know, where I just put it all out there. And where I hopefully say a few things we’ve all thought about but maybe haven’t actually said out loud.

If you’ve missed any of my previous Naked Truths, you can catch up here:

Social Media Has Ruined Us For Being Happy For Others

Yup, I said it. I love social media, I think that it has a bunch of great benefits. I’ve made friends that I never would have if not for platforms like Facebook and Instagram (my personal favorites).


But it also sucks. It’s zapped life out of a lot of us. Why do we need to meet up with friends when we can see EVERYTHING going in in their lives via pictures and statuses?

It’s also increased the “keeping up with the Joneses” game, which creates unwanted feelings of jealousy, comparisons, and doubt.

What has Susie-Q done differently than me to get where she is now?

And the… “OMG, can Jane’s life seem any more perfect?

Well… you know that those that brag the most about happiness are the ones most likely to have secret issues, right?” <— Yes, I’ve had people say this. You probably have too.


I won’t lie… I have a friend that constantly posts pictures of her family (no above is my actual personal facebook page, not my friends). The perfect kids, the perfect pets, the perfect husband. “Is her life really THAT perfect?” I’ve asked Dan. Surely life isn’t always butterflies and roses, but damn it sure seems that way.


We question happiness and many of us (not my friend) are embarrassed to share it, to even acknowledge it. We feel as if it’s something we have to hide, keep inside out of fear of making others feel bad or less happy. We don’t want our social circles to know that it’s possible to feel pure happiness, like a movie kind of happiness.

Well guess what…

Screw Not Being Happy


Not a very nice heading but hey, sometimes my bluntness can come off as bitchy (at least I’m honest with myself, lol).

This past Friday, I shared that I was happy. And to be honest, I hesitated. I didn’t want it to seem as if I was rubbing my happiness into anyone’s face and seem as if I were gloating.

Then, it hit me. Why not gloat?

In world where we’re surrounded by negativity, why can’t we share our happiness? Maybe, just maybe, me sharing my happiness will lead someone else to smile and say, “yes, I am happy too!”


It’s funny how it creeps up on you. Because life isn’t all sunshine (hello weather week from hell) and puppy dogs.

It’s not as if something changed in my life and all the pieces have come together to create this perfect 1950s sitcom kind of life.


Actually, I had some rough patches last week… but even with them, I realized I was still smiling more than I was whining.

The weight that normally sits on my chest in regards to my business, my blog, my marriage, my life has been lifted off… or maybe the brick was just switched out for a much lighter one. I don’t know.

But I do know, that focusing on these emotions is only growing the happiness. It’s pretty cool really.

Where Happiness Stems From

I’m no Tony Robbins, but I am a big believer that you become what you tell your mind. I also think that the greatest happiness comes when you allow “you” to show and flourish.


For years I have tried to be perfect. The perfect student, perfect daughter, perfect wife, perfect trainer…

That’s a lot on a person, yet we all do it! We see everyone being “perfect” on Facebook and we get pushed even further down the rabbit hole. Yes?

Well, this year I’ve kinda of said forget that.

I just want to be the perfect ME. Wanna know something? These “Naked Truth” posts have helped tremendously. I feel 10 pounds lighter just being true to myself, and that just happens to be not in a journal, but this blog.


What help helps?

About a year ago, I started something with my boot campers… the Name A Positive Game.

Name A Positive Game

I see my clients 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. And I’ve learned we all get caught up in the negatives of life. When a client walks in, I always ask, how’s it going? The response is normally an unsure shrug accompanied with an “okay, I guess” or something bad that happened during the day with work or kids.

So I decided to change things up. I read once that the most memorable part of a meal is the last thing you ate. The poor appetizer never gets the praise it deserves. That goes to the entree or the dessert.

To elaborate on this, I began having my clients share something great that happened during their week, or something they’re looking forward to over the weekend at the final workout of the week. It forces us to acknowledge the good and push aside, if only for 5 minutes, the bad.


I was worried this would be looked at as hokie, but I’ve been proven wrong. This has become a time everyone looks forward to. We sit in a circle and share one by one. We celebrate our successes and intensify the energy and excitement. It’s important and it helps.

A few weeks ago, I was in my office and over heard Ashton’s class doing the exercise. They were praising one another for a great week of workouts, thanking Ashton and me for our dedication and support, and showing pride in themselves for the work they do. I was overcome.

I came out, sat down by Ashton and waited for my turn.

When it was my turn, I started to get choked up…

“You are what makes me happy. Look at you all, look at what yo’ve become. You’re a team, a sisterhood of women supporting one another. This was the vision I had when I first created this business and you all have turned that believe into a reality. Thank you.”

I’m pretty sure it didn’t sound that fabulous since I was choked up, but that what the just of it.

Happiness Is Contagious


This picture always makes me smile

Let’s end it here…

When you’re around happy people, you’re happy, right? SO why should we be embarrassed to share our excitement for life? For being happy?

It’s ridiculous. Shout it from the roof tops, we would probably all be a lot better of a society.

Here’s a challenge… for the next 10 days (because 10 days is doable), share something that makes you happy via Instagram or Facebook. Own your happiness and you never know, it might just rub off on someone else.

Cheers. I love you all!

What makes you happy right this minute?

PS – Bulldog recap tomorrow! As for what makes me happy? The picture above!

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