12 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

What Its Really Like To Stand Up All Day: VertDesk Review

By admin

I’ve got some very exciting stuff going on today! I’ll share more next week, but take my word, EXCITING!

For today, I am actually going to pass the keyboard to Dan.

I know, stop the music. Cue the “WTFs”.

The last time Dan wrote on the blog was years ago (check it out) which is sad, because he has so much to say! And even though you don’t see him, he’s a huge part of this blog.

What’s on his mind?

His stand up desk!

I wrote a few months ago that when we’re not working out or teaching classes, we’re sitting down. I often spend hours at a desk without realizing it. Well, it finally caught up with Dan (I’m sure it will me soon).

I’ll let him explain….

But first, a big thank you to Brad at Beyond The Office Door for giving Dan the opportunity to change the way he works for exchange for this review. We were not compensated, and as always, all thoughts and opinions are Dan’s.

standing Vertdesk review

You’ve read about a million times…

You’ve no doubt heard it a million times…

You probably have people in your office that are doing it…

Heck, you may be doing it now…

And I’m doing it too!

Using a Stand Up Desk

I’ve heard sitting is the new tobacco. I’m not sure I quite get that comparison. However there seems to be no question these days…

Sitting is really really bad for you.

Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 9.21.52 AM

Just incase you’ve been living under your sit-down desk for the last two years, here’s some of the articles about sitting:

Taylor wrote this post…

– Making Fitness News: Sitting Is Killing Us

And we were lucky (and I do mean lucky) to get an automatic stand up desk from Beyond the Office Door.

Standing VertDesk

Let’s get real for a second…

I like to think I help Taylor a lot with this blog. More so with Fit Women’s Weekly, but still a lot with the blog.

Whenever we’re lucky enough to get a product to try/demo/review… it’s Taylor that reaps all those benefits.

I mean come on… sports bras are great and all, but I’m not going to wear one anytime soon. Or ever!

So when we got this desk opportunity, I got to do the testing! Booya!

It’s Been Three Weeks Of Standing (With a Little Sitting) And My Feet Are Killing Me!

Yes, my feet have been hurting for about a week. However, I think I have that solved. I’ll share my (not so) secret in a second, but first…

The desk!

It’s a VertDesk electric sit/stand desk. And it’s awesome.

vertdesk view

Compared to the decade old hunk of crap I was using before (Taylor’s old desk from college), this is like upgrading from a clunky drunks moped to a fully loaded SUV.

(Editor’s note: Thanks for making a girl feel old. Was it really a decade since I was in college?!)

So yeah, lots of space. I love the space!

controllers of standing desk

This is the simple control that moves the desk up and down from a sitting position to standing position.


Here’s the motor that does all the work.

However, I never use the sitting position. The best thing about having an adjustable standing desk is you can customize it to your height without having to order a custom desk.

Plus if multiple people are going to use it, you can just adjust it as needed for different heights.

So if you work in an office and you’ve been trying to get your boss to let you have a stand up desk, try this:

Get three to four of your co-workers together (who also want to use a stand up desk) and pitch for one of these. Then throughout the day, you can take turns using the desk.

And since it’s adjustable, it will fit EVERYBODY.

What Did I Notice When I Starting Standing… All… The… Time?

1. It Was Hard In The Beginning

I like to consider myself in pretty good shape, but it was hard to stand all day. At first my legs did get a little fatigued, but that was short lived.

What really hurt were my feet.

You know when you go to an amusement park and you’re on your feet all day? You get home and your feet are killing you?

It’s kinda like that.

If you’re already on your feet all day, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

The solution?

standing mat

You need to get one of those squishy standing mats. It’s a real life (feet) saver. At first, I was like, “how is this mat going to make a difference? Give me a break!”

Oh but it does! It makes a big difference. I think Taylor found mine on Groupon for $ 15 or there abouts.

(Editor’s note: Yes, Groupon always has them… See here!)

2. I’m Staying Focused

My focus is much sharper. This is anecdotal, but I stopped screwing around as much. For whatever reason, I’m not Facebook checking… I’m not wasting time on golf sites or blogs (though I’m glad you’re here)… I’m getting my work done!

Another way of putting it… when I’m standing up, I’m not zoning out anymore.

3. I’m Staying Energized

Again, this is anecdotal, but I don’t get as lethargic as the day goes on. In fact, I’m finding I’m pretty jazzed and I have to pull myself away from work and force myself to mentally break.

Maybe this because when I’m thinking about something, I’m walking around. I mean I’m already standing, so walking around helps that blood flow. Am I right?

And blood flow helps the brain. And that’s good.

Or maybe Yoda helps…


4. I’m Worrying About My Posture

Seriously, I’m a little worried that I traded slouching forward for leaning into one leg too much… then the other leg… and back again.

Don’t get wrong, standing makes you really pay attention to your posture, which is good thing. However, as you focus on a task, your body will get into habitual positions you don’t even realize your doing until you snap out of your zone and you’re like, “Holy Crap! Was I really just standing like that?”

I do notice I tend to keep my abs a lot tighter throughout the day. My butt too. That’s a good thing.

5. It’s Get Me Going In The Morning

Yes, this is a little disgusting, but I’ve noticed standing up as made my regularity a little more regular.

That’s always a good thing!

My Tips On Transitioning To A Stand Up Desk

Tip 1: Get a Floor Mat

Yes, it’s just another expense on top of the desk, but it’s a good one.

Get one. (See link above)


You won’t regret it. Your feet will love it.

Tip 2: Have a Stool Nearby

So rather than adjust the desk all the way down to take a sitting break, use a stool and rest on that.

I won’t hide the fact that I’ll take my laptop to my LazyBoy every now and again for some lazy, lounging work…

But the stool helps me spend 5 to 7 hours a day standing at my desk. I use it for short breaks of leaning.

Tip 3: Get Strong!

I’ve read reviews before and people say that their bodies were super sore. Their legs where killing for a couple weeks. Things like that.


The fitter you are, I believe the easier it is to transition to a stand up desk. You already have the core and butt strength to support your body.

It does help to focus on squeezing the butt and holding your abs, not tight, but in. Just like Mom always said, “Stand up straight, shoulders back!”

Tip 4: Use The Darn Thing!

Don’t treat it like your parents treadmill. Yeah, the one that’s in their basement or under their bed collecting a vast array of dust bunnies.

(Editor’s note… Hmmm, I think this is a personal reference? Ha!)

The more you use it, the more it becomes part of your life. A new healthy habit. And that’s all life really is… a bunch of habits you repeat over and over and over and over again.

So Should You Get A Stand Up Desk?

vertdesk view

I would recommend it. Come on! You clicked on those links at the top didn’t you?

Sitting even trumps the benefits of exercise!!!

It’s like, what that $ #@%!?!?

So yeah, get one. Put it on the Holiday wish list this year.

I’m actually planning on building my own as a project to test my manhood skills of measurement and woodworking (don’t laugh Taylor). Taylor will take this one soon.

(Editor’s note… laughing).

Last thing…

If Brad (@VertDesk) is reading this post, a great feature to add to the desk would be programable heights. Essentially, you can find your perfect height and save it to say, “Station 1”.

This way, if the desk were to change height so you could sit or somebody else used it… all you have to do is hit “Station 1” and it would go directly to that same height.

You know, like a car seat.

Check out a standing desk of your own (maybe this one)! And go stand.

Have you ever used a standup desk? Like?

PS – Thanks Dan for sharing! Love you!

Whip Six Feed

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