26 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Meet Me At The Bar Bell Workout {Barbell & Kettlebell Workout}

By admin

We’ve almost made it to Thursday! I hope the week has been wonderful.

I have a great workout to share with you, and to be honest it’s a bit different than what I normally share here. But it’s fun to spice things up from time to time, right?

Believe it or not, I do actually use other training tools besides kettlebells. In fact, I actually really love loading up a barbell and incorporating it into my workouts. It’s fun, it’s challenging and when paired with my kettlebell, it delivers one hell of a punch to my muscles!

This week was my week to design the workout for Bonnie and I. In case you missed it, my friend Bonnie (her blog is awesome) is my virtual workout partner. We are similar in our abilities and in the style of workouts we enjoy doing. So, we practice our design muscles by alternating weeks sending a “Workout Of The Week” that we both complete.

It’s a fun way to add accountability and I’ve even found that I’ve been working out a bit more focused. It’s easy to say “ah, I’m tired, I’m going to go with the lighter weight today” but when I know what Bonnie used, it takes that away and I push myself to the level that I know I should.

Anyways, all of that is to say that I’m sharing the workout that Bonnie and I did this week. Ashton and my friend Alex joined in with me, and we were all spent by the end. And oh my, my shoulders are still feeling it 2 days later!

The Bars And Bells Total Body Workout

(Modifications shows below)



Click Image In Enlarge

Okay since there are definitely some moves in here that I haven’t been on the blog, let’s do a little demo.

The Exercises

BB Squats


BB Cleans


BB Thrusters


KB Snatches

KB Chest Press

Plank Thrusters


Lunge Jumps


Yes, I will admit this is more of an advanced workout. But don’t let that stop you!

Feel free to do nix the bar all together, and opt for body weight squats or weighted squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell.

  • For the cleans… a great alternative is a squat + upright row! Trust me, you’ll feel a burn!

Simply squat with the kettlebell in the lower position and upon standing, row up to have elbows at shoulder height.

  • For the BB thrusters… This can be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell or pike push-ups is a great body weight alternative.

– OR –

  • And for the snatches… Single armed presses is definitely the way to go!

Just make sure to use a weight where you can perform 6 reps, but heavy enough that around rep 4 things start to get tough!

Like this workout?

Please share it, even better share it with your workout partner! And do it!

I would love to see a tag on Instagram or Facebook with you rocking it out!

Have a great day friends!


Who’s your workout partner? Do they live near you?

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