27 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Trail Ultra Training Week 3 & Fun TidBits

By admin

We’ve made it friends. Friday, how I love you!

I’m pretty stoked about today, Dan and I are going on a putt putt date. But not traditional put put. One of the local golf courses is holding a fundraiser event and putting on a night time putt-putt thing. Since the only golf club I own is a putter, I’m pretty pumped to dust it off!

I’ve have a few things to share today, and being that it’s Friday, it’s all fun.

First things first, the training log for last week!

Week 3 Trail Ultra Training


  • Wednesday: 6 Miles Downtown
  • Thursday: Sick: Off


  • Friday: Still Sick (but better): Off
  • Saturday: 7 Mile Trail Run/Hike <— took this super easy except when I saw the snake below!
  • Sunday: Extra Recovery – I was suppose to run but decided that my body needed a rest day to fully recover.


Being sick stunk big time but was a big eye opener.

I definitely needed the rest. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so much in my life. But boy, did I need it. I haven’t been that sick in years. But, I listened to my body, took off from work and training and I was amazed at how quickly I recovered. Amazing what happens when you actually chill out. Right?

Extra TidBits: I’m Loving

I haven’t shared any recent new loves with you! I try to hoard them so it’s more than just a single item.

All of these items were purchased with my own money. Well, except for one which was a gift from a friend.

LA Sportiva Helios Trail Shoes

halios la sportiva
It was time to say goodbye to my Mizuno trail shoes. I loved then but wanted something a bit more “trail-runner”. If that makes sense.

Dan is a big time product researcher, and found the LA Sportiva brand to be highly respected and most reviews raved about the shoes.

Because we’re such a cute “matchy” couple (not really), we ordered the his and hers Helios.

I’ve only run a few times in them, but I LOVE them. They are minimal, narrow and I won’t lie, I love the look. My stride feels great and for the first time in weeks, my runs did’t have to be paused to stretch my calves.

Dan on the other hand, isn’t a fan. He’s so disappointed but the shoe is too narrow for his foot and the slight arch support hits him all wrong. Just goes to show… a shoe can be perfect for one person and all wrong for another.

Runners Pace Hip Stretch Video


The training program my husband is following encourages him to do this workout each day. He shared it with me, and now I’ve been doing all of the moves in the kitchen at night while dinner is cooking. <— Who said people can’t multi-task?

I can already tell my legs are looser, hips are less “poppy” and my knees are feeling stronger. I’m sold. Great for all runners, all distances!

Eat Smart 7 Superfood Salad


Seriously, you guys, I eat this at least 3 times a week. I buy a few bags (from Publix) and stick the in my work fridge for lunch. So good! I love the dressing and all the greens included. The crunch is awesome and it’s filled with lettuces, cabbages, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.

The bag includes seeds and dried cranberries, but I normally toss on my own unsalted mixed nuts that I keep on hand. And I only use 1/3 of the dressing.

Yes, I eat the WHOLE bag for lunch.

#TheSelfie Controller


This gadget was a gift from my friend Jeanette. She’s a techie and when she saw it, immediately knew it could help me!

It’s really hard to get good pictures of yourself! And if I’m alone working on a blog post that needs GIFS, it’s hard to do. This has changed my life. It’s basically a remote and I-phone holder that uses bluetooth to control the camera and music.

Now I can set it up, and snap it when I’m ready or hit the “go” button for videos! It’s amazing. I love it.

And finally…



I am so excited for the Blend Retreat this year. Basically, it’s a weekend for fitness and healthy living bloggers to get together and have a good time. We end up being friends through social media, but it’s hard to connect when we’re all over the place. So this brings us to one location!

You definitely don’t have to be a blogger, so if you’re into fitness and Colorado, then check it out!

Oh, and I’ll be leading the boot camp… one more reason to head out there! I love that I’ll be able to contribute something that I love so much!

And that’s it… wow. I told you I had a lot of tidbits. Have a fabulous week!

Tell me something you’re loving or something fun about this weekend!

Whip Six Feed

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