31 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Eat This Instead: The Ultimate Veggie Log

By admin

Have you ever done something so cool that you surprised yourself?

Yea, that happened this weekend. With this recipe.

At our sushi date the other night Dan and I were brainstorming new recipe ideas. Perhaps it was the plate of sushi rolls in front of us, but he suddenly said:

“Do you remember that nasty meat log thing with bacon and more bacon? You should use that as your inspiration and come up with a veggie version.”

Smart man. I did remember and I immediately began to brainstorm how to turn this idea into a reality.

For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about…


Meat wrapped around meat wrapped around meat. Source

For 2 days, and a total of 21 miles of running, I thought about the options I had and what was available to most of you guys.

Then, on Sunday, I headed into the kitchen and told myself I would not emerge until I had created the Ultimate Veggie Log.


I’m won’t lie guys, that moment of removing the finished product from the oven, and peeling back the foil to see if it turned out was stressful. I’m not sure I breathed!

The Ultimate Veggie Log

Slowly, ever so carefully, I pulled the foil off and to my astonishment (really, I called out to Dan, “Holy sh$ t, it worked!”) the log in my head was in front of me. Haha.

Laugh all you want, but when you see this mammoth of a thing, you’re going to want to play around in your kitchen too!

The Ultimate Veggie Log

The Ultimate Veggie Log Recipe

You can seriously chop up any veggies you want. Items I didn’t use but I think would be great include: spinach, potatoes, kale, broccoli, and lima beans!

Below you’ll see what I used.

The Ultimate Veggie Log Recipe
  • 3 bell peppers
  • asparagus (3 stalks)
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 Eggplant
  • 1/4 cup chopped peppers (I used mini-bells)
  • 1/4 cup onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms, diced
  • 4 brussel sprouts, sliced
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrots
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup almond cheese, grated (or Mozzarella)
  • 1 tsp Greek Seasoning
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tooth picks
  • alumunium foil
  • Coconut oil


  1. Pre-heat over to 375 degrees. Prepare bell peppers by cutting around the stem of each and removing the chunk of seeds. On one, left the bottom. On the other two, remove the very bottom, making the hole approximately about the same size as the whole of the tops. It helps if all peppers are close to the same size. Put aside.
  2. In a bowl, stir together copped peppers, onions, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, carrots, 2 eggs, and cheese.
  3. For the zucchini and eggplant, slice thinly (1/8 or 1/4 thickness) from top to bottom.
  4. Time to put together… grab the bell pepper that has the bottom and place on the table. Add the stalks of asparagus and fill around them with the filling. Once packed, add another bell pepper by sliding it over the asparagus and stacking on top. Fill completely. Add the third pepper and again, fill with veggie filling. Use the tooth picks to secure the eat of the pepper on (see diagram)
  5. Make an egg wash by combining 1 egg with 1 tbsp of water. Wish well.
  6. Lay out a long sheet of aluminum foil and line with coconut oil. Starting at the edge, lay down zucchini strips running the length of the foil. Use a brush and lightly brush egg wash over. Next, layer the egg plant, but have them running in the oppsite direction. Again, brush with egg wash mix.
  7. Place the bell pepper tower at the very edge of the foil, lined up with the zucchini. Slowly, roll the zucchini all the way around (you’ll have to move the foil off as you go so it doesn’t get rolled up with the veggies). Once complete, use the foil to secure it closed. Depending on how long of foil you used you may need cooking string (I used extra foil) to wrap around as a belt to keep it fastened
  8. Place on a baking sheet and cook for 45-60 minutes until cooked through. Remove from heat, allow to cool for 5-10 minutes before peeling foil off.
  9. Slice and serve!


And there you have it. You still get the wow of making a fancy log, but it’s not loaded with saturated fats, grease or a heart attack.

We topped our with a little Dill Greek Dressing from Earth Fare and enjoyed with a slice of bison steak.

Delicious and nutritious!

I think it would classify as a #StrangeButGood, yes?

I know I normally post these on Wednesday but tomorrow I have an awesome podcast that I don’t want to push off any longer!

Have you ever seen or tried the Bacon Explosion Meat Log?

Whip Six Feed

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