09 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Hee-Haw Body Weight Workout

By admin

Good morning friends! I am extremely excited for today because I actually have a video for you!

It’s been quite a while, I know and it felt great to be behind the camera after a hiatus. Though I won’t lie, we have so much going on that the break has been nice, one less pressure taken off. I can’t promise I’ll have a video every week, but I do plan on doing them a bit more regularly.

So what’s on the agenda?

A crazy fun workout!

For Fit Womens Weekly, I am putting together a brand new program revolving around animal mobility moves. This is part of the first workout in the series and revolves around one of my favorite exercises, the Donkey Jump.

Now, before you watch the video and think, “yea right, I can’t do that!” hear me out… yes you can! There is absolutely no need to take your donkey jump as high as I do….

How To Do A Donkey Jump

donkey jump exercise

Let’s quickly break it down:

  • Place hands on the ground, firmly.
  • Keep your feet together, squat down and jump. The idea is to pull through your abs and push through the shoulders to raise your hips up and over the shoulders.
  • Keep your legs bent into your chest to help with the progression. (See below).
  • Land softly on your feet and repeat.

As you get stronger and more confident with the move, you will find yourself getting higher and higher, legs becoming straighter and straighter.

The #1 rule? Keep a straight back! Don’t let it arch.

The #2 rule? If you’re comfortable with handstands, you may find yourself naturally wanting to kick up (one leg at a time). Don’t! Jump those feet up together.

The Hee-Haw Workout

Now let’s do this…

For those of you who like to Pin workouts (I do it all the time!), here’s a pinable graphic so you don’t forget about this baby the next time you need a quick sweat.


– Click for larger graphic –

The Moves

Donkey Kicks

Lunge Hops

Push-Up Shoulder Taps

Part 1: Do A Push-Up

Part 2: Do A Set Of Shoulder Taps

Giant Mountain Climbers

Squat Pulse


Try it out and let me know what you think!

What’s your favorite animal?

I love dolphins! And I have an obsession with dragonflies, I think they are just gorgeous.

Whip Six Feed

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