10 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Ultra Training Log: Week 5 + How I Clean My Sweaty Face

By admin

Hello, hello! I am coming at you from our cabin at the trailhead of Mt Mitchell in North Carolina.

Mount Mitchell is the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi and Dan and I are here to conquer the beast for my birthday. Well, that and the fact that our trail race in May actually includes Mt Mitchell, so we’re trying to get as comfortable with her as possible.


I’ll have a full recap of our adventures next week!

For today, it’s time for another Training Log. How can 5 weeks have passed already! It’s flying by.

Quest To The Crest Training Log

  • Monday: Light Kettlebell Workout
  • Tuesday: 4 Miles (1/2 Trails)
  • Wednesday: Weights with Bonnie and 5 Mile Trail Run


  • Thursday: Boot Camp Workout & 4 Miles
  • Friday: Rest Day!
  • Saturday: 16 Miles <— stomach issues the entire time!
  • Sunday: 8 Mile Trail Run/Walk (Swamp Fox Trails)


Total Miles: 37 Miles
Strength: 3 Workouts

Overall it was a solid week. Well, the run on Saturday was rough since I was having stomach issues from mile one until 6pm, but other at least the run was completed and I was able to the training plan.

A Cleaner Face

So, I’m pretty much the most ungirly girl ever. I simply don’t take care of myself the way most ladies do.

Case and point: I have never had a face washing regiment, and really have just used what was on hand, even if that meant bar soap.

Even worst, most nights I didn’t wash my face at all before going to bed. Yes, gross, I know. Especially since I am in a hot sweaty gym all day. But I’m tired and I just didn’t care.

That is until I neared the big 31.

I suddenly had this urge to start taking my body and health for granted (aside from fitness and nutrition which was already good to go). So I started flossing every other night (go me!) and started to think about a face routine…

Right when I started to think about it, someone heard these thoughts and came to the rescue….

DermaSport Face Care


My sister-in-law sells Rodele & Fields, naturally that was my first intention until DermaSport found it’s way into my life. For athletes by an athletetic family, it’s made for my lifestyle and I love it.

The wash, toner, lotion and eye cream process before bed has actually helped me settle in for the night. It’s a great routine to help solidify bed time. And it actually makes my face feel great.

Here are a few fun ingredients in the wash:

  • Mushroom extract gently exfoliates and purifies pores without irritation.  Enjoy the benefits of immediate smoothness, clarity, brightness and hydration, while continual use improves firmness and reduces the appearance fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Natural Humectants restore moisture balance.
  • Antioxidants Vitamin A, C & E protect against environmental damage leading to skin aging.
  • Pro vitamin B5 is a natural emollient to keep skin soft and supple.
  • Aloe Vera, Fruit Extracts and Botanicals soothe and revitalize the skin.

I’ve been using it for a month now and I’m hooked on a pre-bed facial regiment. My face is fresh and I feel like it has a natural glow, in fact I didn’t even wear makeup to get my new drivers license! <– Not on purpose but the picture didn’t turn out half bad!

Will I continue with DermaSport?

It’s likely but I am also a fan of supporting family. My SIL has always supported me and I intend to support her too. But maybe I can incorporate both?

What’s your face regiment and brand?

*While I was given DermaSport for testing, I was not compensated for this review. I just really liked it and wanted to share my thoughts and opinions.

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