27 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

You Are Not Average, You Are Beautiful

By admin

I don’t know if my mom has ever failed to tell me I was beautiful when she’s around. I can’t count how many times she’s walked by, stopped, smiled and then said:

“How did I have such a beautiful daughter?”

My response? Always… “Because I have a beautiful mother.”

me and mom

But I also always snicker as if embarrassed by her comment.

The same goes with Dan.

With each “you’re beautiful,” I let out a childish giggle, unsure of how to respond.



#ChooseBeautiful Please

I was going to post this at the end, but decided it’s best right at top.

I found this video last week and was so moved that I teared up and sat for a good 5-10 minutes thinking about myself and you.

What door would I choose? What about you?

I’ll tell you at the end which door I KNOW I would go through.

The Instant Rise & Fall Of Confidence

Confidence. It’s a funny little word. It’s something we all want more of, no matter how much we already have.

As kids, we had a ton of confidence!


Yet, overtime it’s trickled away (sometimes plummeted at alarming rates) and as adults most of us find ourselves aiming to find just a fraction of what we had as little girls.

It’s something that I strive to help other women build. Perhaps I’m giving myself more credit than I deserve, but as a trainer, it’s not my job to create workouts. It’s my job to help women feel stronger, more confident… more beautiful.

Confidence is beauty. Yes?

It’s one hell of a power word right now, look at a fitness magazine and you’ll see headlines like “The Power Of Beauty: How Small Changes Transform Confidence” or “Where Does Self Confidence Come From?

Great headlines, with powerful messages but are we able to fully take in those messages when we’re looking at a magazine with perfection on it?

Remember that time I made a magazine for REAL women? I’m still pushing that!



It’s the media that has changed the way we view ourselves and it’s these same magazines that deliver powerful confidence boosters which are simultaneously pushing pictures of unattainable goals via photoshop editing and perfect 6-packs.

It’s hard. And it’s no wonder why we have a hard time considering ourselves beautiful.

When I look in the mirror, instead of focusing my favorite features, I find myself focusing on my imperfections, the things that keep me from being/feeling beautiful.

When in reality… it’s those imperfections that make us beautiful.

To Be Beautiful Is To Be Conceited

Why is it okay to carry yourself with pride and beauty, yet almost embarrassing to call ourselves beautiful?

When we were kids, we believed everything that our parents told us. And because we had yet to be jaded by media and society, we didn’t question classifying ourselves as beautiful.

In our minds we really were Disney princesses and we had no problem telling people, “I’m beautiful!”


I hope my niece never questions her beauty.

As adults, things changed. We’ve adopted this view that thinking highly of ourselves is conceited and we have to downplay the positive attributes we possess out of fear of offending others or coming off as bitchy.

Why? WHY!?

With time, holding in these thoughts deteriorates them until we no longer think we are the princesses we once we.

We lose our sparkle, our confidence, and begin to think we’re “average”.

What Are You?

You are not average.

You are beautiful.

We all are.

Each of our unique features, our spirit, or physical and personality quirks, makes us beautiful.


I mentioned above that I would share which door I would have worked through.

I honestly, don’t think for an instant that I would have hesitated. I would have walked through the Beautiful Door.

Not because I think I’m a supermodel but because I know, in my heart, that I not average. I know that I am loved, that I am special, that I am beautiful.

I hope you feel the same. I pray you do.

james island ladies

I’m actually choking up just typing that. It’s so silly.

Thanks Mom


It’s not Mother’s Day yet, but I can’t finish this post without giving thanks to my mom.

I am filled with so much gratitude towards this woman for making me feel beautiful my entire life and helping to give me the confidence to not question that choice.

And I know that she would have grabbed my hand if we were facing the doors together so we could walk through the Beautiful Doors together.

When I doubted my beauty, she was ALWAYS the one to push those doubts aside and make me feel smart, beautiful and special.

Thanks Mom.

We’re a strong bunch!


Which door would you go through? When do you feel the most beautiful?

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