19 May 2012 ~ 8 Comments

Victoria Pendleton interview

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Visit inthenews.co.uk for more sport news, interviews and videos Due to start six weeks of warm weather training in Perth before Marchs World Championships in Copenhagen, Victoria Pendleton – Olympic cycling champion – is encouraging a new generation to get on their bikes. Unveiled as the new Hovis ambassador as part of a three year sponsorship deal which includes a series of healthy eating initiatives and educational campaigns, it is hoped the cycling star will be a source of inspiration as Hovis’ new ‘Girl on a Bike’. Pendleton, 29, first rode for Great Britain in 2002. She won Olympic Sprint Gold in Beijing and a recent overhaul of the Olympic track cycling programme means she has the chance to emulate Sir Chris Hoy and claim three gold medals in London in 2012. Of her new role with Hovis, she said: “I hope to inspire a new generation of ‘girls and boys on bikes’ who enjoy cycling as much as I did when I was younger and maybe even inspire some champions of the future.” In the below interview, Pendleton talks about her plans for the World Championships and Commonwealth Games and the impact of the IOC’s recent decision to bring parity to men’s and women’s cycling.
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