19 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Is Coconut Really As Great As We’re Told?

By admin

When clients ask if I use coconut products in my diet, the first question I get is always:

“Are you worried about your cholesterol?”

The second question is then…

“That’s a lot of fat, aren’t you worried you will get fat?”


Before kicking off into the meat of the post let’s cover how much coconut is actually in my diet:

      • Full fat coconut milk is usually used in at least 1 recipe each week
      • Dan drinks carton coconut milk every day. Several servings.
      • Coconut oil is our go to oil for cooking and roasting.
      • Dan oil pulls with coconut oil several times per week.
      • Coconut shreds are in our pantry for 1-2 tbsp scoops to go into our shakes for extra fat.

I think that it. But clearly, coconut is an important part of our diet.

And neither Dan or myself are fat.

And our blood work?

His hasn’t been tested, but at my last appointment, my cholesterol was perfect.

raw vegan macaroons

But I’m not scientist or RD. I wanted to not just give you my opinions but the real deal research on coconut and it’s health benefits. Let’s cut through the crap and the fluff and find out what’s real, what’s not and what you can/should be doing with coconut products.


Introducing The Coconut Specialist: Dr Bruce Fife


Dr Fife has spent much of his life researching coconut and it’s health benefits. He created the Coconut Research Center and has worked decades to help bring this deliciousness out of the closet and into the light.

Did you know that in the 80s when the “Fat Free” craze hit, coconut was hit hard?

The industry became almost nonexistent because we were told that fat makes us fat. And since we knew that coconuts were a high fat item, Americans wanted nothing to do with them.

Luckily, we’re out of the low fat craze and fat is making a comeback!

Dr Fife has dozens of books under his belt and I knew with his passion and knowledge, I needed to talk with him for us.

Coconuts As IVs

In the podcast you can expect a lot…

          • Coconut and cholesterol: do areas that have survived of coconuts for centuries have health issues because of their reliance on them?
          • How does eating a diet high in fat actually help to drop pounds? I am a huge fan of high fat diets!
          • Oil pulling: is there any evidence that actually shows it to be worth your 20 minutes?
          • Incredible uses of coconuts (see below)
          • And much more!

The thing about coconuts that blows my mind is it’s closeness to our blood. World War II, coconut water was actually used in IVs to help aid wounded soldiers and still is today.

Is that not crazy? I don’t think I would have been the first person to accept that “trial” but I’m glad someone did. What a story.

You just have to listen to the podcast to hear the details. I know, I’m such a tease.

But seriously, it was a pleasure to chat with Dr Fife and I know you all will love the episode!

Listen in here, or download it from the iTunes page to listen in later!

Have a fabulous day friends!

Favorite coconut food/drink?

coconut pecan chicken

Coconut encrusted baked fish or chicken! And coconut ice cream isn’t too bad either. Who am I kidding, I love everything coconut.

Whip Six Feed

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